What is the texture of your life? I have been very tactile most of my life. I love the feel of things. I have to use my senses to really grasp a concept. I choose clothes by how they feel rather than if they are the newest thing. I look at others and wonder how can they wear this or wear that. Wool is the worst. If you are wearing a wool sweater and I see you, I will start to itch. I can get the heebie jeebies by just seeing others in certain material.
I have recently learned that this texture issue I have is real syndrome. Holy Cow all this time I could have had help in school because I have texture issues. This is amazing to me. I hate the texture of yogurt or pudding, I can't handle certain cheeses and if you ask me to eat a sausage, forget it. Yuck.
Children are now being classified as texture sensitive and as a teacher I am to make accommidations to their day because of this. Oh, my I need to go to work coming up with these syndromes. I think we should take the texture of a wooden spoon to some of these oh so sensitive bottoms and see if the syndrome goes away. Okay, that is my vent for the day.
I would now like to go feel the texture of a hot sudsy bubble bath.
Here's to my new syndrome, I can't teach unless I have furry slippers on, a quiet room with soft music and all the food and soda I want.
Welcome to my Life!
The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey
Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I have been reading a book called Close Encounters of the Third Grade Kind by Phillip Done. I am an avid reader, and as sick as it is I enjoy reading educational materials as much as a novel. This book is very light hearted and it reminds me of why after three snow days and a weekend I am ready to go back to my class.
Here are a few of the teacherhood wisdom that others could use to make your life at a desk seem very enjoyable. Enjoy!!!
Teacherhood:is prying staples out of the stapler with a pair of scissors. I do this daily much to Jeff's annoyance as I am a daily OSHA accident.
Teacherhood: is locating the exact book a child is looking for when all they can tell you is it has a duck on the cover.It is their favorite book that helps.
Teacherhood: counting to five at the water fountain for each child so no kid hogs all the water. No wonder we can't figure out our math facts we only get to five.
Teacherhood: is knowing that when kids hold up their multiplication flash cards to the light they can see the answers on the back. They still manage to get them confused
Teacherhood: is knowing that kids read better under their desks.So does the teacher but she is not telling.
Teacherhood: is knowing that if you do not know all the names of current toys, you are the "lamest" teacher. Thank goodness for my daughters, they tell me what all the kids like and are talking about.
Teacherhood: is knowing that when you ask a the class to turn to page thirty four someone will always hold up the book to show you that they found it. It is always the same person.
Teacherhood: there will never be an eraser on a new pencil after five minutes with a child.I should invent vitamins that are dispensed in pencil erasers.... Hum
Teacherhood: Monday mornings will always entail everything that the children did all weekend.
Teacherhood: If I forget to have show and tell the children will remind me thirty times.Until we stop everything and show the rock they found at recess.
Teacherhood: The children will always greet me with a hug and a smile saying "You're here". As if there was anywhere else I would want to be.
Happy Monday to all.
Here are a few of the teacherhood wisdom that others could use to make your life at a desk seem very enjoyable. Enjoy!!!
Teacherhood:is prying staples out of the stapler with a pair of scissors. I do this daily much to Jeff's annoyance as I am a daily OSHA accident.
Teacherhood: is locating the exact book a child is looking for when all they can tell you is it has a duck on the cover.It is their favorite book that helps.
Teacherhood: counting to five at the water fountain for each child so no kid hogs all the water. No wonder we can't figure out our math facts we only get to five.
Teacherhood: is knowing that when kids hold up their multiplication flash cards to the light they can see the answers on the back. They still manage to get them confused
Teacherhood: is knowing that kids read better under their desks.So does the teacher but she is not telling.
Teacherhood: is knowing that if you do not know all the names of current toys, you are the "lamest" teacher. Thank goodness for my daughters, they tell me what all the kids like and are talking about.
Teacherhood: is knowing that when you ask a the class to turn to page thirty four someone will always hold up the book to show you that they found it. It is always the same person.
Teacherhood: there will never be an eraser on a new pencil after five minutes with a child.I should invent vitamins that are dispensed in pencil erasers.... Hum
Teacherhood: Monday mornings will always entail everything that the children did all weekend.
Teacherhood: If I forget to have show and tell the children will remind me thirty times.Until we stop everything and show the rock they found at recess.
Teacherhood: The children will always greet me with a hug and a smile saying "You're here". As if there was anywhere else I would want to be.
Happy Monday to all.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
It is amazing to me the power we let others have over our lives. We let others decide if we have done a good job, have the correct clothes on, wore our hair just the right way and such.
I have seen this power play out in my classroom. There are girls and boys in the room that have power over the other children on a daily basis. I have never understood this. I have never felt like I have the power to influence others. I have experienced the power others have over me. Do I keep a clean house like her? Do I have clothes like her? Do I have the right toys for my children?
I have finally reached an age where I do not care. I think that is what being forty five does to you. You are now in control of your own power. I do not care if I fit in, I do not care if I am liked. For I know that I am who I am and I like that person. I love my family, I love my kids in my classroom and I am who I am take me or leave me. I have the power. I am in control of who I let into my life and if I will let them give me a power surge or zap all my power. I wish I had learned this at an earlier age, but maybe I needed all the power outages to get me to where I am today. I do know that I love to helpful, I love to make small talk with complete strangers. Just ask my family and how I can talk to absolutely anyone. Some days I feel that if I open up to a stranger, who knows that may be the only person that spoke to them all day. I have learned to be careful of who I am friends with, some are just power zappers. I hope that these people find other friends that they are able to connect with, but I can't let that into my life. I need only positive power generators as my friends. It is okay to say you know I am busy, I can't take this friendship on right now. When we do this our relationships are deeper and better. So to my five close friends that read this blog. You matter to me. I do not care if I ever have 500 readers. I love that I have five of you. Power to you.....
I have seen this power play out in my classroom. There are girls and boys in the room that have power over the other children on a daily basis. I have never understood this. I have never felt like I have the power to influence others. I have experienced the power others have over me. Do I keep a clean house like her? Do I have clothes like her? Do I have the right toys for my children?
I have finally reached an age where I do not care. I think that is what being forty five does to you. You are now in control of your own power. I do not care if I fit in, I do not care if I am liked. For I know that I am who I am and I like that person. I love my family, I love my kids in my classroom and I am who I am take me or leave me. I have the power. I am in control of who I let into my life and if I will let them give me a power surge or zap all my power. I wish I had learned this at an earlier age, but maybe I needed all the power outages to get me to where I am today. I do know that I love to helpful, I love to make small talk with complete strangers. Just ask my family and how I can talk to absolutely anyone. Some days I feel that if I open up to a stranger, who knows that may be the only person that spoke to them all day. I have learned to be careful of who I am friends with, some are just power zappers. I hope that these people find other friends that they are able to connect with, but I can't let that into my life. I need only positive power generators as my friends. It is okay to say you know I am busy, I can't take this friendship on right now. When we do this our relationships are deeper and better. So to my five close friends that read this blog. You matter to me. I do not care if I ever have 500 readers. I love that I have five of you. Power to you.....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
So I do not know where to start. Where does one start when the weather forecast calls for 5-7 feet of snow for the week. This is not a typo Yes I said feet!!!!!
I have lived in the following places:
Missoula, Montana relatively low snowfall, due to the Mountains getting the majority.
Ontonagon, Michigan Here there is a thermometer sign that said 300 inches of snow in one season. They plowed our yard cause by May the snow was back to the driveway. Houses had doors on the second story with no stairs so that scaffolding could be put up so you did not have to shovel. We had U-pper Scoopers
Neenah, Wisconsin only there a year and not much snow
Watertown, New York Lake effect again. Remember one day I put Ally on the bus to kindergarten and by the time the bus turned around when it got to school Ally had a 4 hour bus ride and we had four feet of snow. I had shovelled a foot wide path to the bus, Ally got off and the snow was up to the buses head lights. Robyn had been in front of videos all morning and Jeff was snowed in at the mill. He knew I was not handling two kids and four feet of snow very well and drove a toyota celica with about 4 inches of clearance home at 9 at night to take care of us.
Lufkin, Texas One snow event on New Year's Day and only enough to make a baby snowman. No other snow for nine years.
Pinetop, Arizona more snow than we have ever seen. One year we had no snow all winter and then got 5 feet in one day. Closed the town down for a week.
This one is one for the record books. We have gotten 8 inches today, with 24 inches expected by morning and then they say the "real" storm is coming. Five to seven feet. The Grand Canyon is to get three feet tonight. Phoenix is to get 10 inches of rain, that is more than double the annual levels.
So here we sit, with a warm fire, wood in the bin, batteries for the flashlights and the wish for a snow day. Today we had only a delay and had eight inches. I guess we are getting used to this white stuff. The local economy can use this white stuff as we have one of two ski areas here. The town only has two plows so we have to be patient to get out of our driveway. Our driveway is about a half mile if it was straight, but it is uphill and two switch backs. My back hurts from shovelling just the steps. Jeff was once again my hero.... No wonder I love this man. He was to leave tomorrow for Vancouver, Canada for an important meeting. He knew that I could not get the snowblower to do the driveway with all this weather and would be either stuck at school or stuck at home. He called and cancelled and said that his family and their safety was more important than making this trip. I am so blessed to have such a loving thoughtful husband. He drove Robyn back early to Flagstaff so she was there and would not miss class and made sure her fridge was full as well. Ally is warm and comfortable in her house and now I can say.... Let it snow...... We are all well, we have a warm home, we have food and we are blessed .
P.S. You can come help shovel if you are bored though
I have lived in the following places:
Missoula, Montana relatively low snowfall, due to the Mountains getting the majority.
Ontonagon, Michigan Here there is a thermometer sign that said 300 inches of snow in one season. They plowed our yard cause by May the snow was back to the driveway. Houses had doors on the second story with no stairs so that scaffolding could be put up so you did not have to shovel. We had U-pper Scoopers
Neenah, Wisconsin only there a year and not much snow
Watertown, New York Lake effect again. Remember one day I put Ally on the bus to kindergarten and by the time the bus turned around when it got to school Ally had a 4 hour bus ride and we had four feet of snow. I had shovelled a foot wide path to the bus, Ally got off and the snow was up to the buses head lights. Robyn had been in front of videos all morning and Jeff was snowed in at the mill. He knew I was not handling two kids and four feet of snow very well and drove a toyota celica with about 4 inches of clearance home at 9 at night to take care of us.
Lufkin, Texas One snow event on New Year's Day and only enough to make a baby snowman. No other snow for nine years.
Pinetop, Arizona more snow than we have ever seen. One year we had no snow all winter and then got 5 feet in one day. Closed the town down for a week.
This one is one for the record books. We have gotten 8 inches today, with 24 inches expected by morning and then they say the "real" storm is coming. Five to seven feet. The Grand Canyon is to get three feet tonight. Phoenix is to get 10 inches of rain, that is more than double the annual levels.
So here we sit, with a warm fire, wood in the bin, batteries for the flashlights and the wish for a snow day. Today we had only a delay and had eight inches. I guess we are getting used to this white stuff. The local economy can use this white stuff as we have one of two ski areas here. The town only has two plows so we have to be patient to get out of our driveway. Our driveway is about a half mile if it was straight, but it is uphill and two switch backs. My back hurts from shovelling just the steps. Jeff was once again my hero.... No wonder I love this man. He was to leave tomorrow for Vancouver, Canada for an important meeting. He knew that I could not get the snowblower to do the driveway with all this weather and would be either stuck at school or stuck at home. He called and cancelled and said that his family and their safety was more important than making this trip. I am so blessed to have such a loving thoughtful husband. He drove Robyn back early to Flagstaff so she was there and would not miss class and made sure her fridge was full as well. Ally is warm and comfortable in her house and now I can say.... Let it snow...... We are all well, we have a warm home, we have food and we are blessed .
P.S. You can come help shovel if you are bored though
Sunday, January 17, 2010
So does creativity just happen or do we organize our creative efforts? I have so enjoyed reading others blogs on crafty ambitions, but some of them seem to be so organized in their efforts, I wonder if they are just patterning their efforts after others.
Case in point. I tried to make these very adoreable washer necklaces yesterday. They required paper, glue, washers and modge podge. I did everything the sample said to and when they were dry they absolutely fell apart. I tried to figure out why, and then I wondered if I had not tried to copy would I have come up with my own creative necklace and it would have worked better.
Patterns are nice, but I never seem to be able to follow them. I am a visual person not a literal reader type. I look at the directions pictures to put something together, I do not read the directions. I have children in my class that do this as well. We are visual learners.
People will ask me how did you make that, and usually I say well I saw this picture in a book and made it. I rely on pictures to be creative. I do not copy them, as much as I visualize how I would change them to get a result I am happy with.
So my patterned creativity yesterday was in the trash can. I started over with a new project and was much more at peace and pleased with my end result. Trying to do something that someone else has done is very difficult. No matter what kind of creater you are today try to make something that says YOU! No pattern required.
Case in point. I tried to make these very adoreable washer necklaces yesterday. They required paper, glue, washers and modge podge. I did everything the sample said to and when they were dry they absolutely fell apart. I tried to figure out why, and then I wondered if I had not tried to copy would I have come up with my own creative necklace and it would have worked better.
Patterns are nice, but I never seem to be able to follow them. I am a visual person not a literal reader type. I look at the directions pictures to put something together, I do not read the directions. I have children in my class that do this as well. We are visual learners.
People will ask me how did you make that, and usually I say well I saw this picture in a book and made it. I rely on pictures to be creative. I do not copy them, as much as I visualize how I would change them to get a result I am happy with.
So my patterned creativity yesterday was in the trash can. I started over with a new project and was much more at peace and pleased with my end result. Trying to do something that someone else has done is very difficult. No matter what kind of creater you are today try to make something that says YOU! No pattern required.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Road
Allison is taking a human resources class and was asking her dad some questions on the phone, I admit it I was eavesdropping. Anyhow they were talking about cowpaths. As I was listening to them I realized that my cowpath is now actually a road. Let me explain. I went back to work when Robyn was in the sixth grade. So I have been gainfully employed as a teacher for seven years.
I have always felt like I was the new kid on the block. I am the new teacher at the school, or I am the new teacher in the grade level etc. I am always reading education related books, clearing out my files and reassessing them, how can I change this and be better etc. As they were discussing this cowpath, Jeff was saying that the path works, suits its purpose, but as time evolves so must the path. The need for better productivity comes to light and the path is paved.
I think that I have finally paved my path.
I am good at what I do. I had an evaluation last week and in the past my heart would have raced, my fears would have been on my face and nerves would have sent me to the bathroom fifty times prior to the supervisors appearance.
My path is paved.
I was confident, knew what I expected and helped to adjust as the lesson unfolded. I was able to recover from one student's discription of a motorcycle as a "crotch rocket" with a snappy comeback of what would an old lady like me call that. The children were engaged, light bulbs were on and I really do not need my supervisors comments on how the lesson went.
Actually, I really do not want to hear what he has to say cause I know how I did. Great!!!!
Now, I have paved my path, but I am not so secure as to believe that there will not be cracks in my paving job, or that there may not be the occational icy spot or even a four foot blizzard of snow to stop me in my tracks. I am confident and I know where my path is leading.
To educate the children I am entrusted with and to love them everyday. My road lies before me.........
I have always felt like I was the new kid on the block. I am the new teacher at the school, or I am the new teacher in the grade level etc. I am always reading education related books, clearing out my files and reassessing them, how can I change this and be better etc. As they were discussing this cowpath, Jeff was saying that the path works, suits its purpose, but as time evolves so must the path. The need for better productivity comes to light and the path is paved.
I think that I have finally paved my path.
I am good at what I do. I had an evaluation last week and in the past my heart would have raced, my fears would have been on my face and nerves would have sent me to the bathroom fifty times prior to the supervisors appearance.
My path is paved.
I was confident, knew what I expected and helped to adjust as the lesson unfolded. I was able to recover from one student's discription of a motorcycle as a "crotch rocket" with a snappy comeback of what would an old lady like me call that. The children were engaged, light bulbs were on and I really do not need my supervisors comments on how the lesson went.
Actually, I really do not want to hear what he has to say cause I know how I did. Great!!!!
Now, I have paved my path, but I am not so secure as to believe that there will not be cracks in my paving job, or that there may not be the occational icy spot or even a four foot blizzard of snow to stop me in my tracks. I am confident and I know where my path is leading.
To educate the children I am entrusted with and to love them everyday. My road lies before me.........
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Words, I deal with them everyday. I love then, I hate them and I need them. It is funny on any given day I am asked how to spell words probably 1000 times. I respond to this differently depending on my current mood, my stress status(if these kids ask me one more time I may explode)and on whether or not I really know how to spell the word.
As a teacher I am able to read writings that have no vowels and not even think about it. The children are not amazed at this, for they expect that if they wrote it on paper, the adult should be able to read it. They do not even see their mistakes until I try to read their work back to then and I do not say what they want.
Communication is built on words. Yeah I know you all know this but I guess I need an adjective here, specific words. It is in the words that our voice appears. What are we really saying when we say I LOVE YOU ? Do you love my hair, my clothes, how I cleaned the house? What specifically do you love.
Each day we tell people what we think are words that are communicating our thoughts. This is not always the case. So my challenge to you today is to use your words, but be specific. Tell, the ones you love why you love them. Tell the child in your class why you are glad they came to school today. Be specific. You will not only find that you have a deeper understanding of your words but the other person will as well. So to my five followers. You make my day, you believe in me, you support me and you read my words. I LOVE that you take time out of your day to visit my words.
I LOVE that you LOVE me. Thank you
As a teacher I am able to read writings that have no vowels and not even think about it. The children are not amazed at this, for they expect that if they wrote it on paper, the adult should be able to read it. They do not even see their mistakes until I try to read their work back to then and I do not say what they want.
Communication is built on words. Yeah I know you all know this but I guess I need an adjective here, specific words. It is in the words that our voice appears. What are we really saying when we say I LOVE YOU ? Do you love my hair, my clothes, how I cleaned the house? What specifically do you love.
Each day we tell people what we think are words that are communicating our thoughts. This is not always the case. So my challenge to you today is to use your words, but be specific. Tell, the ones you love why you love them. Tell the child in your class why you are glad they came to school today. Be specific. You will not only find that you have a deeper understanding of your words but the other person will as well. So to my five followers. You make my day, you believe in me, you support me and you read my words. I LOVE that you take time out of your day to visit my words.
I LOVE that you LOVE me. Thank you
Monday, January 11, 2010
I hate pain. I hate it so much probably becasue I inflict it regularly. Jeff calls me an osha recordable a day. Most of the time it is a burn, a cut and every so often I do up right and try to slice tendons, and have to get stitches. To help protect me, Jeff has learned to respond immediately if I ask him to cut some meat for dinner or I will try to start it and the end is pretty much predetermined.
I know that I try to do too much at one time, try to be too fast at something or my mind is wandering to things that I have to get done. In learning this, I am trying to be better this year. I hate pain and I do not want to inflict it on myself or any others.
We have experienced pain in the last two years that is not from a cut. We lost our granddaughter Jaidyn. She died at 24 days old and it was so horrible. The pain has been all encompassing. It has effected all of us. We view each day differently and we love differently. This pain lessons but does not disappear. Pain of the heart is there no matter what we do. No bandage or stitch will help this. But I have found that my God helps me on a daily basis to realize that there is a purpose to this pain. Jaidyn had a purpose, and that is all that I need to know that it is okay.
Robyn has pain today. Pain of the heart, but it will lesson. God is there for her unconditionally. He will help her to heal. He will be there in the dark, in the light and he will show her that it is okay to go on, do what she needs to do and that we all love her more than anything.
My neice Heather has a wonderful blog and she was upset today cause her daughter was starting a new school, it is no different the mother feelings no matter what the age.
We must feel the pain to know the times without pain. That is what makes those times so precious. God show yourself to Robyn today and in the days to come. If we all pray, we will make a big bandage for you my dear daughter. You are the best and you make us so proud each day.
P.S. Ask any girl they know this secret: men are such dummies.
I know that I try to do too much at one time, try to be too fast at something or my mind is wandering to things that I have to get done. In learning this, I am trying to be better this year. I hate pain and I do not want to inflict it on myself or any others.
We have experienced pain in the last two years that is not from a cut. We lost our granddaughter Jaidyn. She died at 24 days old and it was so horrible. The pain has been all encompassing. It has effected all of us. We view each day differently and we love differently. This pain lessons but does not disappear. Pain of the heart is there no matter what we do. No bandage or stitch will help this. But I have found that my God helps me on a daily basis to realize that there is a purpose to this pain. Jaidyn had a purpose, and that is all that I need to know that it is okay.
Robyn has pain today. Pain of the heart, but it will lesson. God is there for her unconditionally. He will help her to heal. He will be there in the dark, in the light and he will show her that it is okay to go on, do what she needs to do and that we all love her more than anything.
My neice Heather has a wonderful blog and she was upset today cause her daughter was starting a new school, it is no different the mother feelings no matter what the age.
We must feel the pain to know the times without pain. That is what makes those times so precious. God show yourself to Robyn today and in the days to come. If we all pray, we will make a big bandage for you my dear daughter. You are the best and you make us so proud each day.
P.S. Ask any girl they know this secret: men are such dummies.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Computers and the new me
I lost my new laptop last night. Not literally, but the computer crashed. I was very disappointed. I was frustrated and sad that my new toy did not work. We had just returned from Flagstaff and dropping Robyn off for her new semester. I was sad to leave her, happy that she was excited to go back and tired cause this cold of mine will not go away.
As I called the number to the help line, I was even more frustrated. The girl that answered me spoke broken english, was probably as tired as me and did not seem to care that my new prized present was not working. Her solution was to box my toy up and send it in for repair. No, I do not want to do that I thought. I am so happy with my new found blog and the fact that I fit in with the rest of the family and all their laptops, really do I have to part with my new friend????/
I went to bed and decided to do the boxing in the morning.
I was texting the girls this morning wishing them both a great restful day and they both asked if I had tried the computer again. No, I said after so many attempts why?
But as I got the box from the garage, I thought what will it hurt? One more attempt. Well, God worked a miracle over the still of the night. My laptop came on, said that there were errors and push this button for repair. I hesitently pushed the button. I am on line again. Yeah, I am so excited and relieved my new friend is back and so is the new me. The one that is going to take things in stride, try again and again in work and in fitness and the one that is so excited to be writing.
As I called the number to the help line, I was even more frustrated. The girl that answered me spoke broken english, was probably as tired as me and did not seem to care that my new prized present was not working. Her solution was to box my toy up and send it in for repair. No, I do not want to do that I thought. I am so happy with my new found blog and the fact that I fit in with the rest of the family and all their laptops, really do I have to part with my new friend????/
I went to bed and decided to do the boxing in the morning.
I was texting the girls this morning wishing them both a great restful day and they both asked if I had tried the computer again. No, I said after so many attempts why?
But as I got the box from the garage, I thought what will it hurt? One more attempt. Well, God worked a miracle over the still of the night. My laptop came on, said that there were errors and push this button for repair. I hesitently pushed the button. I am on line again. Yeah, I am so excited and relieved my new friend is back and so is the new me. The one that is going to take things in stride, try again and again in work and in fitness and the one that is so excited to be writing.
Friday, January 8, 2010
First Mistake
So I have just made my first blog error. I started typing hit a wrong key and poof there went the blog and only a title appeared. Oh, well, I will be better for this mistake. A pencil and eraser are so much easier to use when fixing a goof. Here's to a weekend of learning more about myself and my blog. Stay tuned for the next flub, makes you all look like computer gurus......
Our Life
I wonder many days why my life is like it is. Why have we been asked to move six times in our married life? Why must we pick up and start a new. Why do I not require an hour to get ready in the morning? Why does it not bother me to clean up a bloody nose, or soothe a crying child that has just stained my new shirt. What has God wanted me to learn in all these steps that I take each day?
Yesterday was my birthday and as the day wound down there was another teacher in crisis. I had lots to do, I had a family at home making my dinner, I had a night to relax, but within minutes I was in her room doing her grades, helping her children with their homework and trying to calm her down. She asked me how I did it? I said did what? All of this all of this at the same time? My answer was I really do not know but I know that God is there to lead me and if I mess up the eraser on the end of the pencil will fix the problem. She sighed and seemed to relax. Her day got worse and I was able to go home only an hour late to find my entire family, a hot meal and gifts. Blessed is not the word. God puts us where we are needed, where we will grow and learn and where we can be of comfort to others. I will not question why anymore, only thank you for my blessings and the ability to pray for this woman that she may not wonder why anymore but feel blessed and comforted in her time of need.
Yesterday was my birthday and as the day wound down there was another teacher in crisis. I had lots to do, I had a family at home making my dinner, I had a night to relax, but within minutes I was in her room doing her grades, helping her children with their homework and trying to calm her down. She asked me how I did it? I said did what? All of this all of this at the same time? My answer was I really do not know but I know that God is there to lead me and if I mess up the eraser on the end of the pencil will fix the problem. She sighed and seemed to relax. Her day got worse and I was able to go home only an hour late to find my entire family, a hot meal and gifts. Blessed is not the word. God puts us where we are needed, where we will grow and learn and where we can be of comfort to others. I will not question why anymore, only thank you for my blessings and the ability to pray for this woman that she may not wonder why anymore but feel blessed and comforted in her time of need.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Grateful to see my 45th birthday. Happy to have such a wonderful family and so many friends at work. The kids all sang to me and we had cupcakes that Robyn helped me bake. Allison and Brody and Robyn and Ryan and Jeff made me dinner and it was a wonderful day. Life is Good
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The things kids will say
I am continually amazed at the things children will say to me. I am sure they say them to all adults but sometimes it makes me happy to think that they are saying it only to me and and are comfortable enough to tell me some of their inner most thoughts. This happened in class today.
I was having a class discussion on why we need to watch our words and our actions because we can hurt feelings and not really know that we have done so. That words hurt way more than even a hand can.
So the child that had been hurt was out of the room and and getting the needed individual attention and I had the class hanging on my every word. I spoke of our need to be liked and to be included. I also said that we as individuals do not always make the right choice but that we can admit that we have hurt someone and say sorry and it helps. One of my boys raises his hand ( hey, we are making progress no speaking out) and tells the class that he heard this same thing on a cartoon last night. I am thinking oh, great, this had better not be The Family Guy or the like. It is called your conscience Mrs. Comer, he states. There is a little devil that lives on one shoulder and an angel that lives on the other. The devil trys to get you to do the wrong stuff and the angel trys to get you to do the right stuff. Your head is in the middle and all mixed up. If you do what the angel says you have a great day. If you do what the devil says the cat eats you. Oh, nice they get the point. What was the cartoon? Tom and Jerry. Oh, life works sometimes and in spite of all my carefully chosen words, the child got the point across better than the teacher. Life is Good.
I was having a class discussion on why we need to watch our words and our actions because we can hurt feelings and not really know that we have done so. That words hurt way more than even a hand can.
So the child that had been hurt was out of the room and and getting the needed individual attention and I had the class hanging on my every word. I spoke of our need to be liked and to be included. I also said that we as individuals do not always make the right choice but that we can admit that we have hurt someone and say sorry and it helps. One of my boys raises his hand ( hey, we are making progress no speaking out) and tells the class that he heard this same thing on a cartoon last night. I am thinking oh, great, this had better not be The Family Guy or the like. It is called your conscience Mrs. Comer, he states. There is a little devil that lives on one shoulder and an angel that lives on the other. The devil trys to get you to do the wrong stuff and the angel trys to get you to do the right stuff. Your head is in the middle and all mixed up. If you do what the angel says you have a great day. If you do what the devil says the cat eats you. Oh, nice they get the point. What was the cartoon? Tom and Jerry. Oh, life works sometimes and in spite of all my carefully chosen words, the child got the point across better than the teacher. Life is Good.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
So I want to tell you about my friend Helen. I have known her for all of 5 months and yet I think we are soul sisters. The day I met her I felt a connection. She is a fellow teacher and she recently moved to our school. This lady is amazing. She is more orderly and organized than me, which is so nice for a change. I have someone to look up to. As a teacher she teaches to each child. She has individual lesson plans for each student, she knows what they need and when they need it. I am amazed on a daily basis how this woman is able to do everything that she does. The kids in her class absolutely love her. I sneak in on her class some days to sit back and listen. She allows this and is so open to my watching.
I recently discovered that many of the kids that I have had she has then gotten the next year. We were in different schools so we did not know each other. The fact that many of our tough children have gotten her and me as teachers is quite interesting. We teach a great deal alike. I like to watch how she puts her notebooks together, how she writes her lesson plans, I wonder if she thinks this is weird, but I am fascinated as to how she is able to pin point the exact needs of her children. She does not reveal much of herself to the crowd, but I watch her and she is always assessing the situation and learning. I admire Helen, I want to emulate Helen, but more than anything, I am grateful for Helen. She has become my rock this year. I was feeling like a ship with no port this year. Our school made wide spread changes, and the waters were very rough and choppy. Helen has been my life jacket. She watches over me and has never even asked why I am attracted to her classroom or why I need to come and sit and watch. It is as if I have known her for years. She accepts me, she nurtures me and she believes in me. I really am grateful that God has given me this angel. Helen, I really do love you and you are the most amazing friend. Thank you
I recently discovered that many of the kids that I have had she has then gotten the next year. We were in different schools so we did not know each other. The fact that many of our tough children have gotten her and me as teachers is quite interesting. We teach a great deal alike. I like to watch how she puts her notebooks together, how she writes her lesson plans, I wonder if she thinks this is weird, but I am fascinated as to how she is able to pin point the exact needs of her children. She does not reveal much of herself to the crowd, but I watch her and she is always assessing the situation and learning. I admire Helen, I want to emulate Helen, but more than anything, I am grateful for Helen. She has become my rock this year. I was feeling like a ship with no port this year. Our school made wide spread changes, and the waters were very rough and choppy. Helen has been my life jacket. She watches over me and has never even asked why I am attracted to her classroom or why I need to come and sit and watch. It is as if I have known her for years. She accepts me, she nurtures me and she believes in me. I really am grateful that God has given me this angel. Helen, I really do love you and you are the most amazing friend. Thank you
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Yes, I am addicted to Shampoo!!! There I said it. There are no twelve step programs to help with this addiction and I am not sure I would want to attend if there were. I love shampoo, all the different kinds, the scents, the advertising that says I will have hair like the ladies in the magazines just by washing my hair.
Heaven forbid I find a new shampoo and do not try it within a week.
My husband comments on my habit almost daily, but I tell him it is better than other addictions,just lather up and experience this new one.
Conditioner is always at a loss in my house, never enough and often have to go get some from the store, but shampoo is a plenty.
Now for the bad news, Dr. Oz reveiled today that one should shampoo only every other day if not every two days. No this can not be true. I hate greasy hair and I have hair that if I woke up and walked into work without a shampoo, my coworkers would scream and wonder if the night of the zombies had just arrived.
I have to feel that wonderful lather in the morning, smell the amazing scents that they come in and I love when my kids in class come up to me and say "Mrs. Comer, I just love the way your hair smells". Trust me they say almost anything on a daily basis so I will take this compliment. I do not want to change and and if an addiction to shampoo leads to thinning hair, so far so good, in that I just broke an extra large hairband trying to get it over my massive pony tail. I have a love hate relationship with my hair but a love, love, love relationship with my shampoo. Oh, how I love to take a nightly bubble bath and soak, lather my hair with a wonderfully fragrant shampoo and wash the day away.... Cheers here's to 362 more days of pure bliss.
Heaven forbid I find a new shampoo and do not try it within a week.
My husband comments on my habit almost daily, but I tell him it is better than other addictions,just lather up and experience this new one.
Conditioner is always at a loss in my house, never enough and often have to go get some from the store, but shampoo is a plenty.
Now for the bad news, Dr. Oz reveiled today that one should shampoo only every other day if not every two days. No this can not be true. I hate greasy hair and I have hair that if I woke up and walked into work without a shampoo, my coworkers would scream and wonder if the night of the zombies had just arrived.
I have to feel that wonderful lather in the morning, smell the amazing scents that they come in and I love when my kids in class come up to me and say "Mrs. Comer, I just love the way your hair smells". Trust me they say almost anything on a daily basis so I will take this compliment. I do not want to change and and if an addiction to shampoo leads to thinning hair, so far so good, in that I just broke an extra large hairband trying to get it over my massive pony tail. I have a love hate relationship with my hair but a love, love, love relationship with my shampoo. Oh, how I love to take a nightly bubble bath and soak, lather my hair with a wonderfully fragrant shampoo and wash the day away.... Cheers here's to 362 more days of pure bliss.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I love movies just as much as the next person, only problem is if I go to the movie theatre, I always fall asleep.
I take that back I fall asleep at home in movies as well. I was thinking about this yesterday when Jeff and Ally went to the new Sherlock movie. They asked me to go, but I can't seem to justify eight dollars for a nap.
I find movies to be rather boring, I am not sure why this is. I do have some movies that I can watch over and over and not fall asleep. Sound of Music, Gone with the wind, but movies of today do not seen to hold my attention.
The disney movies seem familiar to me, but when I actually sit down to watch them I realize that I have not "seen" the movie but have rather listened to it while I was doing laundry, washing dishes, cooking dinner etc. I very rarely do only one thing. My family is always upset that I am going through school stuff or looking at a magazine while a movie is on, but I have realized that this is the only way I can sit and not fall asleep. I feel as if I must be doing two or three things at a time. I love to take naps, and that annoys my family, but the most peace I find is having my family with me in the living room, my puppy mocha at my feet and my head on my husbands chest while they are all watching a movie and I take a nap. The sleep is restful, I am happy cause all my chicks are in the nest and I feel peaceful. Sunday Football also works as a nice back ground for a nap. So here's to all of you that enjoy movies, go have a great time and by the sixth or seventh showing on a dvd I may have caught the entire movie. Plus my popcorn at home is not 1000 calories.
I take that back I fall asleep at home in movies as well. I was thinking about this yesterday when Jeff and Ally went to the new Sherlock movie. They asked me to go, but I can't seem to justify eight dollars for a nap.
I find movies to be rather boring, I am not sure why this is. I do have some movies that I can watch over and over and not fall asleep. Sound of Music, Gone with the wind, but movies of today do not seen to hold my attention.
The disney movies seem familiar to me, but when I actually sit down to watch them I realize that I have not "seen" the movie but have rather listened to it while I was doing laundry, washing dishes, cooking dinner etc. I very rarely do only one thing. My family is always upset that I am going through school stuff or looking at a magazine while a movie is on, but I have realized that this is the only way I can sit and not fall asleep. I feel as if I must be doing two or three things at a time. I love to take naps, and that annoys my family, but the most peace I find is having my family with me in the living room, my puppy mocha at my feet and my head on my husbands chest while they are all watching a movie and I take a nap. The sleep is restful, I am happy cause all my chicks are in the nest and I feel peaceful. Sunday Football also works as a nice back ground for a nap. So here's to all of you that enjoy movies, go have a great time and by the sixth or seventh showing on a dvd I may have caught the entire movie. Plus my popcorn at home is not 1000 calories.
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