Today Jeff, Robyn and I finally took a day trip to another part of our new state.
I had read about Natchez,Mississippi and it's older Antebellum Homes. There was to be many antique stores etc.
The first and best part of any of our trips is the fact that Robyn and I fall asleep in the car right away. This gave Jeff two hours to drive and think. He also listens to ESPN radio and really he loves this part of any trip. Minus my snoring of course.
We get to the Visitor Center and not only is there a pictorial of the area, they offer free coffee and soda. Nice!!!!
We got a map of the area and decided to go to the cemetary first due to the heat and humidity. Robyn thought this was morbid and was not overly enthusiastic. This was the oldest and largest cemetary I have ever been to. The iron works around the graves were amazing. I took photos which you will see above or below depending on if I remember how to down load them. As we drove around, we found graves of unknown soldiers, people from Spain, Ireland, England and more that have immigrated to the area.
As we were leaving Robyn said that she would like to look into our heritage more. This was music to Jeff's ears, as he loves history and often comments that the only history he knows so little about is his own. We walked downtown and looked at some stores, but were rather disappointed. The visitor center was very nice and we learned a lot about the area. The mighty Mississippi River was outside the window and it is really a powerful sight.
We then went to a small winery and got a taste test and we got to go and pick some of the Muskidine fruit. We drove home to rain and we were all very glad for our little adventure.
P.S. The antique stores were over priced and Jeff said why would we want a southerners old furniture. I would have to agree. Antiques are really just junk from ones past and if it is not your past does it have value? We watch american pickers weekly and love the show, but part of the fun is that they find the stuff not in stores, but rather on the road, by stopping at unique places. We will have to explore this antiquing thing a bit more... Robyn's take on the antiques, it smells like old people.....
Antiques don't smell like old people -- more like forgotten items.