Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


How did the twelfth month of the year get here already? Seems like just yesterday we were cleaning up Christmas items and getting out the new planners for the year.
Planners, I have an obsession for planners. I have passed this on to Allison and we both get so excited when we can get a new one. One problem: I seem to have too many, I am super organized and yet I feel as if I have planners here there and everywhere. I have a plan book for school and a calendar at home and a planner that I write lists on and so on and so on. I know only have one and it will be great. Not!!! I can't seem to stream line my school planning to the computer which is required, cause this 45 soon to be 46 year old brain still likes to plan with the pencil and the tiny little squares that have helped me for the last 10 years. I try to color code all my daily work and put it in folders, and then the class wakes up and we have to switch gears in mid day and so on and so on.
I plan to the point that I sometimes think I forget little things. I then give myself a break and not do certain chores, and then the day later, I feel so behind. A vicious cycle if there ever was one.
I am not decorating for Christmas as we are going to Arizona and I really feel no guilt for this. I feel relief and I hope that we can remember this Christmas and hope to repeat it again soon. I want to plan to not stress and not fall into the trap where we have to do Christmas as Walmart wants us all to do Christmas. I am grateful that we are able to travel, have decorations to put up if we wanted and that I have the ability to plan. I hope to not plan over the holidays so, that means lots of planning for January in the next two weeks. I know I have a sickness and I must learn to accept that I am an organization freak and I need a new planner cause the old one only has 31 days left to fill in the blanks.....Peace to each of you.

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