Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, April 29, 2011


 For those of you who are not teachers, this will probably be  boring post. My kiddos say and do some of the funniest things.
These are random and on a day like today I thought they were needed to remind me why I teach.
One little girl today said the following when she saw a guardsman for the princess at the wedding on the computer: Do they make all the men there wear dresses? Do they not have any man clothes in that country?

My adoreable loveable little boy said: She is my girlfriend, speaking about our music teacher, Oh I said I thought I was your girl friend. No she is my girlfriend you are my wife at home.
I also was asked by three kids today at lunch" how many more bites do I have to have before I can eat my ice cream . So I am the wife at home and the bite counter now.
I am continually amazed at how my kiddos view me as their mom. They are so funny and so innocent most of the time.
Also one of my kids was so proud of himself this week that he could spell two four letter words correctly. Man too bad they were not his spelling words. Why can they spell the bad words and be so proud but then ask ten times how to spell our or of or from or your .......
After our makesift parade for the testing week and pep rally this teacher needs some r and r.
Heres to all of you and hoping that you are not the wife at home......

1 comment:

  1. smiling at the childrens' comments. Honesty is so soon forgotten. Be sure to take a walk and enjoy your surroundings this weekend.
