So I have been away from my blog for quite some time now. I am slowly but surely getting back to my writing. In the time that I have been gone, I have been creating. This is something that I love to do. I love to have my hands full of items and put them together to make ART. I have started sketching, my father doodles, sketches, draws, whatever you want to call it all of the time. I have never felt very good at this medium, so in the last few months, I have challenged myself to explore my doodling. I do not think that they could be called sketches, as I have trouble adding depth to my drawings. I am working on this.
I love color and I love to color. I am calm when I add color and always remember an art teacher in college telling me that I had a very keen sense of color combinations. I have watched Robyn paint in the last few months and she has a way of blending color as well. Allison has been making signs for a wedding, and using her creativity as well. So nice to know that the creative gene from my Grandma Hazel and my mother Patty has been handed down. So here goes nothing: a visit for you inside my art journal. Please let me know what you think.
Til Tomorrow or whenever
Welcome to my Life!
The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey
Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
I can talk to a rock
My family says I can talk to a rock. What they mean is that no matter where I go I will talk to anyone and anything. This is just me. I have been reading a book called the Happiness Project and the one thing that keeps coming up in the book is that the author says to herself daily "Be Gretchen". I keep telling myself to "Be Angela" this is harder than it sounds.
I love to interact with people much to my families uneasiness. No matter where we go I will strike up a conversation and see what follows. I consider myself pretty open minded and easy to talk to so the conversations are usually pleasant and I even learn something every now and again. The family tease me cause they do not do this. I have decided that they are jealous. Most of the time my conversations benefit one or more of my family members but do they consider that in their constant hazing of me... No
So last night was one of those nights. We had purchased tickets to hear Colt McCoy speak for a church group here in Hattiesburg. This is for those of you that do not know a yearly event and the last two speakers have been Tony Dungy and Jim Kelly. Jeff was very excited and wanted to get to hear the quarterback of his Cleveland Browns. I wanted to get him some face time with the man but that cost more than the new bed I want and a good down payment on a new car, so we decided the event was enough.
There was to be a silent auction and a live auction, and some small food in the price of your ticket. The food was amazing and the auction items out of this world. Now I know it was for charity, but they all went from a 25.00 bit up to the thousands rather quickly. Hense I did no bidding. I asked one man if there was anyway Mr. McCoy would sign autographs and he said he was not sure. I went to the front row and let Jeff mill around and staked out my seat.
The evening was wonderful and Colt gave a very good talk. At the end he had to hop on the private plane and fly out so there was only time for the final auction item, a browns helmet and jersey to be personally autographed for the buyer. The man next to Jeff bid 2000.00 and got it. I knew he was disappointed as I held his browns hat and mini helmet in my hands. So as the man and his son went up to get their items I followed. The man I had spoken with earlier had been the creater of the event and he motioned me to come over. Mr. McCoy signed my husbands hat and then left. I was so excited. I turned to show Jeff and he nearly fell over. I said you do not have time to be excited now cause Brett Farve is right there behind you. Get your camera ready. I was next to his wife Deanna and asked her if she was tired of having him at home all the time now. She smiled and said, No cause she is training for a triathalon. She also said she liked the bike event the best. Then Brett wisked her off and out they went to take Mr. McCoy to their airplane. I is okay, cause they just live down the road from us, this is a fact. The huge gate in front of the house does pose a potential problem if I ever want to talk to her again though I fear.
So I am now credited with getting Colt McCoy's autograph, having a conversation and getting an autograph from Nolan Ryan and Bob Feller. My family should be thrilled that I can talk to a rock let alone all these famous people that if I was to admit it, I would not know from Adam on the street and that is why they talk to me. I usually have no idea who they are.
I love to interact with people much to my families uneasiness. No matter where we go I will strike up a conversation and see what follows. I consider myself pretty open minded and easy to talk to so the conversations are usually pleasant and I even learn something every now and again. The family tease me cause they do not do this. I have decided that they are jealous. Most of the time my conversations benefit one or more of my family members but do they consider that in their constant hazing of me... No
So last night was one of those nights. We had purchased tickets to hear Colt McCoy speak for a church group here in Hattiesburg. This is for those of you that do not know a yearly event and the last two speakers have been Tony Dungy and Jim Kelly. Jeff was very excited and wanted to get to hear the quarterback of his Cleveland Browns. I wanted to get him some face time with the man but that cost more than the new bed I want and a good down payment on a new car, so we decided the event was enough.
There was to be a silent auction and a live auction, and some small food in the price of your ticket. The food was amazing and the auction items out of this world. Now I know it was for charity, but they all went from a 25.00 bit up to the thousands rather quickly. Hense I did no bidding. I asked one man if there was anyway Mr. McCoy would sign autographs and he said he was not sure. I went to the front row and let Jeff mill around and staked out my seat.
The evening was wonderful and Colt gave a very good talk. At the end he had to hop on the private plane and fly out so there was only time for the final auction item, a browns helmet and jersey to be personally autographed for the buyer. The man next to Jeff bid 2000.00 and got it. I knew he was disappointed as I held his browns hat and mini helmet in my hands. So as the man and his son went up to get their items I followed. The man I had spoken with earlier had been the creater of the event and he motioned me to come over. Mr. McCoy signed my husbands hat and then left. I was so excited. I turned to show Jeff and he nearly fell over. I said you do not have time to be excited now cause Brett Farve is right there behind you. Get your camera ready. I was next to his wife Deanna and asked her if she was tired of having him at home all the time now. She smiled and said, No cause she is training for a triathalon. She also said she liked the bike event the best. Then Brett wisked her off and out they went to take Mr. McCoy to their airplane. I is okay, cause they just live down the road from us, this is a fact. The huge gate in front of the house does pose a potential problem if I ever want to talk to her again though I fear.
So I am now credited with getting Colt McCoy's autograph, having a conversation and getting an autograph from Nolan Ryan and Bob Feller. My family should be thrilled that I can talk to a rock let alone all these famous people that if I was to admit it, I would not know from Adam on the street and that is why they talk to me. I usually have no idea who they are.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Ranging Up
I have been in a creative funk for awhile now. I walk aimlessly through my craft room trying to figure out what to begin, should I finish some of my on going projects on the shelves, trash them or what.
I am very unproductive. So last week I decided it was time to go through the millions and I am not exaggerating millions of boxes of my school items. I was very good, I threw away 15 bags of non life altering items and now a car and a half car could actually fit in the garage. We have not put one in there yet, however, it could happen.
I have always felt good after "ranging up" that is what I would tell my mom I was doing when I was organizing all my stuff when I was little. There is a calm that comes over me when I clean up and rearrange. I do not alway get rid of lots, but the order it restores in my mind is helpful.
So I tackled my magazines this morning. I went through them, looking at all the covers and putting them in order by title. I did not purge any, which I should, cause they in themselves are works of art. I love stampington and company publications. They are all art, sewing, journalling, blogging, cooking etc. The paper they are made from is the highest grade and just touching them is different from any other magazines.
So those are now all in order and the room still is a mess. I have 5-10 projects currently on the bed in the room drying, I made 100 cards the other day only to find that they are larger than the envelopes that I currently have on hand. Measure twice, cut once, dad's advice that I did not follow.
So all of you that get one of my handmade cards and the end is sticking out of the envelope you will know why.
On other news, the neighbor's and I planted a 20 row garden. We are doing this as a joint effort and it was so fun, I planted and they made the mounds and tilled. My back is still sore. It looks great. Robyn and I planted some flowers and her gerber daisies are going nuts.
I mowed the lawn prior to our most recent storm. I hate the storms here. I then helped the one neighbor locate her lawn furniture. The other neighbor raise the trampoline that flew a lot over and landed upside down.
Today is organize my clothing options for our cruise that we leave on in two days. Yes, two days. I am finally excited and not so fearful. I get car sick and boat sick and any kind of movement sick so I have been really worried about this event. I think that I have worn myself out with all this yard and house work to the point that I am ready for any kind of vacation. So off I go to see if any of last years clothes still fit and look for the swim suit that I look least like a whale in for my Mexican vacation.
Happy Easter to all and I hope all of you find time today to do some "rangin up"
I am very unproductive. So last week I decided it was time to go through the millions and I am not exaggerating millions of boxes of my school items. I was very good, I threw away 15 bags of non life altering items and now a car and a half car could actually fit in the garage. We have not put one in there yet, however, it could happen.
I have always felt good after "ranging up" that is what I would tell my mom I was doing when I was organizing all my stuff when I was little. There is a calm that comes over me when I clean up and rearrange. I do not alway get rid of lots, but the order it restores in my mind is helpful.
So I tackled my magazines this morning. I went through them, looking at all the covers and putting them in order by title. I did not purge any, which I should, cause they in themselves are works of art. I love stampington and company publications. They are all art, sewing, journalling, blogging, cooking etc. The paper they are made from is the highest grade and just touching them is different from any other magazines.
So those are now all in order and the room still is a mess. I have 5-10 projects currently on the bed in the room drying, I made 100 cards the other day only to find that they are larger than the envelopes that I currently have on hand. Measure twice, cut once, dad's advice that I did not follow.
So all of you that get one of my handmade cards and the end is sticking out of the envelope you will know why.
On other news, the neighbor's and I planted a 20 row garden. We are doing this as a joint effort and it was so fun, I planted and they made the mounds and tilled. My back is still sore. It looks great. Robyn and I planted some flowers and her gerber daisies are going nuts.
I mowed the lawn prior to our most recent storm. I hate the storms here. I then helped the one neighbor locate her lawn furniture. The other neighbor raise the trampoline that flew a lot over and landed upside down.
Today is organize my clothing options for our cruise that we leave on in two days. Yes, two days. I am finally excited and not so fearful. I get car sick and boat sick and any kind of movement sick so I have been really worried about this event. I think that I have worn myself out with all this yard and house work to the point that I am ready for any kind of vacation. So off I go to see if any of last years clothes still fit and look for the swim suit that I look least like a whale in for my Mexican vacation.
Happy Easter to all and I hope all of you find time today to do some "rangin up"
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I have now sneezed and coughed more than in any past day. I know I did too much yesterday.
I mowed the lawn, with ear and nose protection, but still did not help the breathing, and cleaned a mold covered window that I did not know we had. I looked up on line how to do the cleaning and did it all by the book. Now waiting for it to dry so I can repaint the area.
The lawn looks great, some areas of the yard are still really wet from all the rain we have had, and we are expecting more, that is why I mowed yesterday.
I think I will buy stock in benedryl. I live on this amazing invention.
For those of you that do not know, I have become in the last few years an allergy magnet. I never know when they will hit, or what form of attack they will take. Sometimes it is sneezing, itching and coughing. Other times it is a swollen tongue that will send me to the hospital. Other times hives break out on my body in strange places like my pinky finger or the bottom of my foot. Which is covered by a sock and shoe.
Basically, Yes, I should go and get stuck with thousands of needles and figure out what the real causes are, but I am currently on a path to figure this out homopathically. Yeah, I want to see if I can do this without the need to be stuck a million times.
Living in the humid south has not helped this. I did have problems in Arizona but I feel that the main thing there was we were at 7000 feet and in the mountains. My main trigger is pine I do believe. Now after that I know I have a strawberry allergy that has now moved to tomatos. The next thing is potatoes and I love them so that would be why I need to go on a diet, another blog some day. I also have problems with junipers and the cedars up in Arizona. So I think trees are a big problem. This is really sad as my life is lived for trees for without trees we would not have a job, house, three cars, a college graduate and a college senior. Trees are our livelihood. Jeff works for paper mills.
I do not hate trees, I love trees, just hate their pollen. The cars are currently covered with a yellow film of pollen that washed off each day accummulates in double the next. I am going to the beach this weekend and there are no trees there. I am curious if that will help the allergies. If so I will need jeff to build me a salt water fountain in the back yard and a soft wind machine to mist my face on a daily basis. As if that will ever happen.
I mowed the lawn, with ear and nose protection, but still did not help the breathing, and cleaned a mold covered window that I did not know we had. I looked up on line how to do the cleaning and did it all by the book. Now waiting for it to dry so I can repaint the area.
The lawn looks great, some areas of the yard are still really wet from all the rain we have had, and we are expecting more, that is why I mowed yesterday.
I think I will buy stock in benedryl. I live on this amazing invention.
For those of you that do not know, I have become in the last few years an allergy magnet. I never know when they will hit, or what form of attack they will take. Sometimes it is sneezing, itching and coughing. Other times it is a swollen tongue that will send me to the hospital. Other times hives break out on my body in strange places like my pinky finger or the bottom of my foot. Which is covered by a sock and shoe.
Basically, Yes, I should go and get stuck with thousands of needles and figure out what the real causes are, but I am currently on a path to figure this out homopathically. Yeah, I want to see if I can do this without the need to be stuck a million times.
Living in the humid south has not helped this. I did have problems in Arizona but I feel that the main thing there was we were at 7000 feet and in the mountains. My main trigger is pine I do believe. Now after that I know I have a strawberry allergy that has now moved to tomatos. The next thing is potatoes and I love them so that would be why I need to go on a diet, another blog some day. I also have problems with junipers and the cedars up in Arizona. So I think trees are a big problem. This is really sad as my life is lived for trees for without trees we would not have a job, house, three cars, a college graduate and a college senior. Trees are our livelihood. Jeff works for paper mills.
I do not hate trees, I love trees, just hate their pollen. The cars are currently covered with a yellow film of pollen that washed off each day accummulates in double the next. I am going to the beach this weekend and there are no trees there. I am curious if that will help the allergies. If so I will need jeff to build me a salt water fountain in the back yard and a soft wind machine to mist my face on a daily basis. As if that will ever happen.
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Sun
Okay, so all of our friends and family in the north can stop reading this right now and you will be fine. I promise.
The sun is amazing! I love that it has decided to revisit us here in Mississippi after a way too long break. The sky is blue and the wind is softly blowing and Robyn and I are soaking up some much needed vitamin D.
She asked me why we need this vitamin and I said cause the sun helps us have a happier outlook on our life and be better people. Real scientific I know. But it is the truth. The sun makes everyone seem more pleasant.
While on the deck I got to watch what appeared to be about a sixty or seventyish lady golf with what had to be her nintyish father. It was amazing. He walked very slowly up to his ball, swung with much caution and then drove the cart the thirty yards his ball had travelled. He putted the ball in the hole and his daughter scooped it out. I only hope I am able to do this at his age.
I am walking the golf course and it brings back many memories of my high school years on the girls golf team. Oh, for those of you that do not know, I was the girls golf team. I was the only girl on the team until my sister was a freshman. Anyway, I got 12th in the state of Montana my junior year in a driving rain filled tournament. My clubs were never the same after that. The grips were soaked and the last time I golfed, last year, my five wood flew out of the grip. Yeah, I know time for some new clubs. They are only like 40 years old. Just like me.....
Any way back to the sun. It lifts my spirit and helps me to realize that what ever little things are going on in life, the sun will come back out and make me feel much happier.
Happy Day to all.
The sun is amazing! I love that it has decided to revisit us here in Mississippi after a way too long break. The sky is blue and the wind is softly blowing and Robyn and I are soaking up some much needed vitamin D.
She asked me why we need this vitamin and I said cause the sun helps us have a happier outlook on our life and be better people. Real scientific I know. But it is the truth. The sun makes everyone seem more pleasant.
While on the deck I got to watch what appeared to be about a sixty or seventyish lady golf with what had to be her nintyish father. It was amazing. He walked very slowly up to his ball, swung with much caution and then drove the cart the thirty yards his ball had travelled. He putted the ball in the hole and his daughter scooped it out. I only hope I am able to do this at his age.
I am walking the golf course and it brings back many memories of my high school years on the girls golf team. Oh, for those of you that do not know, I was the girls golf team. I was the only girl on the team until my sister was a freshman. Anyway, I got 12th in the state of Montana my junior year in a driving rain filled tournament. My clubs were never the same after that. The grips were soaked and the last time I golfed, last year, my five wood flew out of the grip. Yeah, I know time for some new clubs. They are only like 40 years old. Just like me.....
Any way back to the sun. It lifts my spirit and helps me to realize that what ever little things are going on in life, the sun will come back out and make me feel much happier.
Happy Day to all.
Friday, March 2, 2012
I got nothing today. That is it plain and simple. Uninspired and nothing. Here's to a better more thought provoking day tomorrow.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
My Circle Story
I went outside to pull a weed, once I did this I had to pull another and another and then after I pulled weeds, the hedge needed trimming, and after the hedge looked great, the grass needed fertilizing. So we fertilized the grass and after fertilizing the grass the rain came.
When the rain came, the grass grew, and after the grass grew, the grass needed to be mowed, after mowing the grass the yard needed to be trimmed and after trimming the yard I noticed the bird feeder was empty and after filling the bird feeder, the birds spilt bird seed and the weeds grew.
I went outside to pull a weed, and sneezed and went back in the house.
When the rain came, the grass grew, and after the grass grew, the grass needed to be mowed, after mowing the grass the yard needed to be trimmed and after trimming the yard I noticed the bird feeder was empty and after filling the bird feeder, the birds spilt bird seed and the weeds grew.
I went outside to pull a weed, and sneezed and went back in the house.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Allergies Ugh!!
So last night I came home, ate, did work, and was ready for bed when out of the blue, my tongue began to swell. I took the benadryl that is my lifesaver and went to lay down. Well, I woke up with not only the tongue swelling but the throat as well. I continued to breathe through my panic and swollowed some additional benadryl and called work to say I could not come in for the day.
One, I was not going to work looking like this freak of nature especially due to the fact that I teach teenagers and all they want is to see your flaws. But also because the medicine makes me so tired I knew that I could not drive. Ifell back to sleep and awoke hours later to no more swelling but some pretty sore tongue and throat.
I have had this happen before and the hospital attributed it to my blood pressure medicine. This time I thought it was the choice I made for dinner. A new type of pizza. I looked on line only to find that my asthma and the cold sores that I have been having could be the problem.
The dr. said anyway you look at it it means my immune system is working overtime. Is that good news or not? I could have come into contact with the virus that is causing this or the allergin up to 24 hours ago. No wonder it is so hard to determine allergies.
All I know is that it is freaky and I am grateful for benadryl. So much in fact that I think I will ask Jeff to invest in this company.....
Here's to less soreness, no swelling and an allergy free Friday.
One, I was not going to work looking like this freak of nature especially due to the fact that I teach teenagers and all they want is to see your flaws. But also because the medicine makes me so tired I knew that I could not drive. Ifell back to sleep and awoke hours later to no more swelling but some pretty sore tongue and throat.
I have had this happen before and the hospital attributed it to my blood pressure medicine. This time I thought it was the choice I made for dinner. A new type of pizza. I looked on line only to find that my asthma and the cold sores that I have been having could be the problem.
The dr. said anyway you look at it it means my immune system is working overtime. Is that good news or not? I could have come into contact with the virus that is causing this or the allergin up to 24 hours ago. No wonder it is so hard to determine allergies.
All I know is that it is freaky and I am grateful for benadryl. So much in fact that I think I will ask Jeff to invest in this company.....
Here's to less soreness, no swelling and an allergy free Friday.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Half full or Half empty
I tend to look at the glass as half empty. I try really hard to be a half full person, but most days it just isn't in the cards. I put a great deal of pressure on myself to be the best teacher, the best mother, the best wife and it all tends to end up in a heap most days. I am trying to adjust to life in the south once again, and this is a very difficult task for a Montana girl. I like my meat and potatoes and these people down here eat weird stuff. I mean who wants to eat the greens of a turnip, the eyes of a black pea and fried anything!!!
They fry pickles down here. Really cook me a nice steak and some mashed potatoes and I am a happy Montana girl.
I really do not fit in down here. I hate the major thunderstorms that happen and flood our roads, and then lead to tornado warnings and my heart racing. My co-workers feel this is very funny and laugh each time it rains and I start to freak out. Let me see them shovel 5 feet of snow and then we will see who is laughing.
Also I stick out like a sore thumb at the football games around these parts. The women, you see wear more makeup than I buy in ten years, have on dresses that are shorter than my shirts and high heels, which I do not even own a pair. You wear all of this to the game and tail gate in 120 degree weather and then go home to find out who won the game. Yes, that is right, they do not even go to the game.
I on the other hand do not think it is football weather unless it is chilly, leaves are on the ground and you need a blanket and a hot drink in your hand as you sit in the stands with men in carhart clothing and strange youth that have no shirt on and the letters of the school painted on their chests. Also it is helpful to know the game, which I really do not think many women down here care to know. It seems as I am the oddball when I ask one of the coaches at school a question about a game over the weekend or even answer his bell ringer about superbowl teams and much to his surprise I get the answer correct.
One student did tell me today I am a cool teacher cause he did not think that women knew what football was and the fact that I could name the four teams in the playoff meant I ranked on his cool teacher list.
So as I started this post about half full and half empty, I am feeling very empty in my friend department at the moment. I am the child in the classroom that does not quite fit in. I am the granola of the women, in that I can be up and at school in under 20 prep time and I never have time in the day to touch up my face. Yeah, right I can't even find time to go to the bathroom. I am half empty on this southern woman thing, as I was asked to take a box to my room today and I did just that. The custodian saw me and offered to take it for me on the dolly. Really, he could have lifted the box if it had not been for all those fried pickles.
I am my own person, I try to tell the students that this is okay and I need to listen to myself. I will never be fooey and I will never have a need for high heels, I will never eat greens and the only pea I want is a green one from the garden. As for football, those forty niners had better win and I really want to see those giant lose.
Til tomorrow, I will fill my glass half full of red wine and relax.
They fry pickles down here. Really cook me a nice steak and some mashed potatoes and I am a happy Montana girl.
I really do not fit in down here. I hate the major thunderstorms that happen and flood our roads, and then lead to tornado warnings and my heart racing. My co-workers feel this is very funny and laugh each time it rains and I start to freak out. Let me see them shovel 5 feet of snow and then we will see who is laughing.
Also I stick out like a sore thumb at the football games around these parts. The women, you see wear more makeup than I buy in ten years, have on dresses that are shorter than my shirts and high heels, which I do not even own a pair. You wear all of this to the game and tail gate in 120 degree weather and then go home to find out who won the game. Yes, that is right, they do not even go to the game.
I on the other hand do not think it is football weather unless it is chilly, leaves are on the ground and you need a blanket and a hot drink in your hand as you sit in the stands with men in carhart clothing and strange youth that have no shirt on and the letters of the school painted on their chests. Also it is helpful to know the game, which I really do not think many women down here care to know. It seems as I am the oddball when I ask one of the coaches at school a question about a game over the weekend or even answer his bell ringer about superbowl teams and much to his surprise I get the answer correct.
One student did tell me today I am a cool teacher cause he did not think that women knew what football was and the fact that I could name the four teams in the playoff meant I ranked on his cool teacher list.
So as I started this post about half full and half empty, I am feeling very empty in my friend department at the moment. I am the child in the classroom that does not quite fit in. I am the granola of the women, in that I can be up and at school in under 20 prep time and I never have time in the day to touch up my face. Yeah, right I can't even find time to go to the bathroom. I am half empty on this southern woman thing, as I was asked to take a box to my room today and I did just that. The custodian saw me and offered to take it for me on the dolly. Really, he could have lifted the box if it had not been for all those fried pickles.
I am my own person, I try to tell the students that this is okay and I need to listen to myself. I will never be fooey and I will never have a need for high heels, I will never eat greens and the only pea I want is a green one from the garden. As for football, those forty niners had better win and I really want to see those giant lose.
Til tomorrow, I will fill my glass half full of red wine and relax.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Mother Knows Best
Tried to change my blog and once again my mother was right. I could not read the words and neither could she so we had to make an adjustment.
I am making an adjustment to my attitude from this week as well. I have been overwhelmed and frustrated by the mountain looming in front of me in the form of the state tests. I have been fretting over observations, and lots of stuff that I have zero control over. I am not going to eat the elephant in one bite, and I am not going to fret over the state tests. I will do my best to prepare the students, giving them all the keys to unlock this great mystery and then I will throw up for the week of the tests cause, they left the keys home. No, really, I will have confidence in my skills and hopefully I will regain my strength as a teacher and push forward. I really and sincerely hope that one day soon our country will see that each student is a gift from god and they do not all fit into the same little hole. Have a blessed weekend.
I am making an adjustment to my attitude from this week as well. I have been overwhelmed and frustrated by the mountain looming in front of me in the form of the state tests. I have been fretting over observations, and lots of stuff that I have zero control over. I am not going to eat the elephant in one bite, and I am not going to fret over the state tests. I will do my best to prepare the students, giving them all the keys to unlock this great mystery and then I will throw up for the week of the tests cause, they left the keys home. No, really, I will have confidence in my skills and hopefully I will regain my strength as a teacher and push forward. I really and sincerely hope that one day soon our country will see that each student is a gift from god and they do not all fit into the same little hole. Have a blessed weekend.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
New year and new word
It is already January 2012 and I have been very bad about my blog. I miss blogging, but have been trying to be a sixth grade reading teacher. Lots of trying and not sure if I am succeeding yet or not.
So new word or words for this year. Walk, Water and Wii.
Yes, I am in need of all of these. I have been doing the Wii with Robyn and love it. My body not so much but my mind, yes. I love the one that you have to be still for 180 seconds. I am really good at that one. The hula hoops, the marching and anything that requires coordination forget it. But each day I am getting better and my center of balance is really improving.
Water, I am needing to break my soda addiction and work on my water intake. Long hard process, one glass at a time. Also my husband wants to go on a cruise before we are 80 and I am really hesitant. I am afraid of being on all that water. Do not get me wrong, I love the ocean, just so long as I am on the beach. So my goal is to overcome this fear of sea sickness, boat rocking making me want to hurl and hopefully enjoy a cruise with Jeff.
Walking, well, I used to walk all the time. I had a great neighbor and we would walk for what seemed hours. I moved to Az and had no neighbors so I got away from this walking thing. Now in Ms I have neighbors but my work schedule and theirs is different so I am working on this area as well.
Just like last year my choice of words is difficult to be perfect at but I am trying and that is all that matters. Also just started day 1 of my 48th year today. So happy to be able to say I am 47. Some never make it this far.
Have a great day and here's to better blogging this 2012 on my part.
So new word or words for this year. Walk, Water and Wii.
Yes, I am in need of all of these. I have been doing the Wii with Robyn and love it. My body not so much but my mind, yes. I love the one that you have to be still for 180 seconds. I am really good at that one. The hula hoops, the marching and anything that requires coordination forget it. But each day I am getting better and my center of balance is really improving.
Water, I am needing to break my soda addiction and work on my water intake. Long hard process, one glass at a time. Also my husband wants to go on a cruise before we are 80 and I am really hesitant. I am afraid of being on all that water. Do not get me wrong, I love the ocean, just so long as I am on the beach. So my goal is to overcome this fear of sea sickness, boat rocking making me want to hurl and hopefully enjoy a cruise with Jeff.
Walking, well, I used to walk all the time. I had a great neighbor and we would walk for what seemed hours. I moved to Az and had no neighbors so I got away from this walking thing. Now in Ms I have neighbors but my work schedule and theirs is different so I am working on this area as well.
Just like last year my choice of words is difficult to be perfect at but I am trying and that is all that matters. Also just started day 1 of my 48th year today. So happy to be able to say I am 47. Some never make it this far.
Have a great day and here's to better blogging this 2012 on my part.
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