Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have now sneezed and coughed more than in any past day. I know I did too much yesterday.
I mowed the lawn, with ear and nose protection, but still did not help the breathing, and cleaned a mold covered window that I did not know we had. I looked up on line how to do the cleaning and did it all by the book. Now waiting for it to dry so I can repaint the area.
The lawn looks great, some areas of the yard are still really wet from all the rain we have had, and we are expecting more, that is why I mowed yesterday.
I think I will buy stock in benedryl. I live on this amazing invention.
For those of you that do not know, I have become in the last few years an allergy magnet. I never know when they will hit, or what form of attack they will take. Sometimes it is sneezing, itching and coughing. Other times it is a swollen tongue that will send me to the hospital. Other times hives break out on my body in strange places like my pinky finger or the bottom of my foot. Which is covered by a sock and shoe.
Basically, Yes, I should go and get stuck with thousands of needles and figure out what the real causes are, but I am currently on a path to figure this out homopathically. Yeah, I want to see if I can do this without the need to be stuck a million times.
Living in the humid south has not helped this. I did have problems in Arizona but I feel that the main thing there was we were at 7000 feet and in the mountains. My main trigger is pine I do believe. Now after that I know I have a strawberry allergy that has now moved to tomatos. The next thing is potatoes and I love them so that would be why I need to go on a diet, another blog some day. I also have problems with junipers and the cedars up in Arizona. So I think trees are a big problem. This is really sad as my life is lived for trees for without trees we would not have a job, house, three cars, a college graduate and a college senior. Trees are our livelihood. Jeff works for paper mills.
I do not hate trees, I love trees, just hate their pollen. The cars are currently covered with a yellow film of pollen that washed off each day accummulates in double the next. I am going to the beach this weekend and there are no trees there. I am curious if that will help the allergies. If so I will need jeff to build me a salt water fountain in the back yard and a soft wind machine to mist my face  on a daily basis. As if that will ever happen.

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