Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Thursday, December 30, 2010


My new word for the year 2011 is perspective. I am vowing to keep everything in it's proper perspective to have a positive and happy 2011. I tend to get caught up in the everyday part of everyday. I get to the end and wonder did I even do anything that was helpful, thankful, or selfish for the day? I often do so much that I forget what I have done. I suppose simplify could be a good word for the new year as well. So many words so, so many ways to better myself. I will try to maintain perspective in every situationn in the coming year. I will try to remember that my perspective is just that mine, and remember that others have their own perspective of the same situations. I will try to keep my work in the proper perspective and make time for all really important things in my life, family, friends, self etc.
I will try to keep perspective in our move to Mississippi, all the paper work that comes with a move, all the times spent at the DMV, moving of banking, insurance, I could go on for hours. I will keep perspective of all the boxes that have been opened and resealed for later, all the items that should have been trashed long ago. Perspective of my life as a whole. I vow to watch my favorite television shows that equal about one per evening with a new perspective, totally engaged in just that show. Not doing four things at once. I vow to do one load of laundry a night to keep the piles down to a reasonable level to let my perspective on housework keep in check. I vow to maintain perspective on fixing dinner every night. Most of my friends that do not work do not fix a complete meal every evening so why beat myself up if we end up having waffles one night a week. Or dare I suggest eating at Chick-fil-a.
I will keep the lawn care in perspective, the previous owners were retired and had a passion for gardening. I have a passion for having a gardener.
I will keep perspective with my blog, in that I do not have to blog only when I am in a good mood. I can let others see that I am not thrilled with something, i.e. the DMV five trips and still pissed at them.
I will keep perspective when no one comments on my blog..... This does not mean that others do not read it....Right......
Happy 2011 to everyone and here's to a new perspective....


  1. I read your blog and love it. Just can't always figure outbhow to post. I have always thought you were a great writer. Especially when you wrote my book reports for me! Love you

  2. you two little cheaters. :) :)
    This besides opening presents early.
    Happy 2011!

  3. Perspective is a good thing... just don't be too hard on yourself. Change is never stress-less! A colleague of mine once put it this way; "Every day i take another bite out of the elephant!" I guess we just have to eat faster than the elephant to make any progress. :)

  4. I read your blog and I enjoy it. This one really helped me to put some things into perspective. Thanks!
