Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, February 26, 2010


Time sure does seem to fly. Other weeks it could not go any slower.
The last two weeks have been two of the longest weeks in some time. I felt as if my days were crawling, but yet our days were so busy and we were out of our classroom so much for all the different events that even today a couple of my kids asked,"When are we going to go back to our real life"? I feel the same way!!!
But, what is real life?
I think that we forget that the common and mundane are what make our life real and give us the balance that we need. Children love structure and adults crave it, but we seem as a society to want the unknown and are drawn in by the mystic of "what if".
I hate calendar time during my day.
It is so repeticious and boring, I mean counting to 100 five different ways, saying the months of the year each day, going over the days of the week in third grade, come on! I could take a nap just repeating all of this stuff, but I have found that if we do not repeat items over and over, children today do not get the concept. What bores me is what keeps the child remembering, and gives my kiddos stability.
When you go home to chaos, it is nice to be somewhere that is stable and solid. I am never reminded of this more than on Fridays, when I have had a very long week and am ready for the buses to arrive and a little one comes to me and says," I wish it was Monday again". "why, I ask"? and the response is always, "Cause I love you and you let us have snack".
So really, it is cause I give them stability, but if they think it is the ten goldfish we have at ten o'clock everyday, so be it. I will be back on Monday to go over the calendar again. No Doze Anyone????????/

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Wow, What a family I have. The sports on our life have been very successful and fulfilling. I realize that lots of families do not have this venue, but our family does and boy have we all made the most of it. I want to praise all the athletes in my family today:
My father, an accomplished track and cross country runner.
My mother, the worlds best cheerleader and the power behind most of the University of Montana athletes
My daughters, both state champions in soccer.
My uncle Mike, record holder for the state of Montana in the high jump, played for the winning UCLA team under John Wooden, and In the Montana Athletic Hall of Fame
My neice Heather, state high jump champion
My nephews, Billy, Jacob, and Taylor, wrestling champions
My brother-in-law Bill, hall of fame wrestler
My sister, best cheerleader there is no matter the sport
My great aunt Carol, state hall of fame bowler
My uncle Jim, record holder in weight lifting for a 70 year old in washington
My cousin Kris's kids, beginning their journey in basketball and football
My cousin Shelley's son a soccer stand out in California at the peak of his careeer
My cousin shelley, track star and now super soccer mom
My husband Jeff, the best coach, father and athletic supporter I know.
Finally, myself, I placed 12th in the state golf tournament my junior year. I love being the soccer mom, I love watching sports on the television, I love going to games in person. I love that we have all had the abilities to participate and to be involved in sports.
Here's to spring training in one week, and the hopes of a Cleveland Indian world championship. The hopes are usually dashed after game two of the season, but lets have a dream people.........

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010


So tonight is Friday and Parent Teacher Conferences are finished. I was amazed at the kids, and parents and myself. It is a long couple of short days, the kids were eager for their parents to come see me, the room and our present that we made for our families. All is done, wrapped up and time for a restful weekend. As I was leaving school one of the teachers said that she was headed to the valley, or Phoenix for those of you not from around here. She needed the warm weather and some culture....
Culture, that is an interesting idea, I know that the ballet, the theatre and the lights of the big city are important. I have lived in areas where it was the thing to do to be in Junior League, to be a member of a sorority or fraturnity in order to fit in and find that elusive culture.
Well, here is my culture for the evening..... Please read on>...
I met my husband at our little grocery store in Pinetop, it is called Eddies and is a small friendly place with the most wonderful cast of characters. Let me introduce you to what we call culture here in Pinetop.
There is a deli at Eddies that features the most delicious food here on our Mountain. I will go here to eat anyday over a chain resturant. So this week the special is a hamburger and fries for 1.99. That means two meals and a drink for under six bucks. Those that know my husband know that he is cheap and I am a cheap date.
Anyhow, the cast of characters:
Henry, the 84 year old man that hangs out at Eddies to make sure he is not lonesome. I learned today that he worked at the paper mill that Jeff works at for nearly 20 years and then he showed me that if you write your name upside down and backwards each day you keep your mind sharp.
Well there you go, my kids that do this are really forward thinkers..
Steven, he is the deli manager, he tells me his receipes and how he makes his most amazing pumpkin cookies, and that his aunt was none other than the great Julia Childs.
Amanda, the waitress and cook in the deli: she has an associates in art and is writing her fourth book. She writes fantasy and stories that include Avatar like characters. She is thrilled to have a full time job and is always happy. Makes a person smile when she says hello.
Jerimiah, the manager, He is always asking if a person needs anything and has been a cage fighter in recent years, now he is starting classes for kids to keep them active and to spend more time with his kids.
Joe, the butcher, he is also a cage fighter but has given it up to help his wife run the local bowling ally. He went by the name of "The Butcher". Misses it but loves the store and his kids,.
They all have buttons on that say "Thank you for supporting us" and their name tags all say their name and underneath "the person in charge".
This is culture and I love it. Not a better way to spend a Friday night after a busy week. Culture it is all in the eyes of the beholder

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lifes lessons

So this week is parent teacher conferences. Big sigh, I learn so much from this very stessful week. I set my mind this time to not get stressed. It is working. I always feel as though I could be doing more for these children, I always want to have all the answers for the parents, what will they take from what I have to say, will they understand how much I care for their children, all these questions and then the ones like, do they judge me on the way I look?
Every teacher was dressed up today, so that tells me we all care what the parents see in our outward appearance, okay, we all have insecurities.
I met with over three fourths of my parents today. What a great many lessons I learned today.
Lesson one: All of my parents love and care very much for their kids.
Lesson two: Third grade math is too hard for the majority of the parents no wonder the kids can't get it.
Lesson three: The parents are doing the best that they can to make a life that is giving these children the basic necessities. So if homework does not come back on time is that worth making the child miss recess? NO NO NO
Lesson four: Staying at school until six thirty is worth it to help a parent feel better about the time they are spending with their child.
Lesson five: Teacher needs to schedule in more potty breaks next time.
Lesson six: I am a very good teacher that loves her children too much and all the work I take home and the time I put into these children is worth every minute.
Lesson seven: Not everyone is in the situations that you think. A parent that can not read and write can not help with homework, therefore step back and praise the family for making the attempts and the child for working so hard on their own.
Lesson eight: I am grateful for my parents that still call me on my spelling mistakes, it was late and I need new glasses Dad, I am grateful for my wonderful husband that sat outside the house because a door was locked and I was two hours late getting home, I am grateful for two daughters that have given me so many resources to help these other parents and have let me use their childhood books in my classroom that help my students.
Without all of these lessons, I am just another teacher. With the lessons and my family, I am a very good teacher and grateful for my life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I love your comments

Strange how I now look forward to comments on my writing. I really never thought I would care what others thought about my writing. It does matter to me. I love hearing if my writing has in anyway touched each and everyone of you. I love that I have followers. This is the leader in me. I want people to follow me. I want to be the leader, always have and always will. I have such a difficult time trying to be a follower. I wish that I could, I want to be like others, but then my right mind hits me and I am being bossy and getting things done. I have always told people that I feel as if I have two distinct personalities in one body. I have my type A, need to be the leader, get stuff done and be organized. I have always been an organizer. When I was one, I was "rangin up my grandmothers cupboards". Still each day I spend arranging papers into piles before I can grade them. I organize all my extra crayons by color in seperate containers. I spent an hour today, "rangin up my classroom" for parent conferences starting tomorrow. Now for the other side: I am really creative. I am not bragging, I am really creative. I am artsy and I get the whole color combo thing, I have made over 150 scrapbooks, I have made and taught basketmaking and I love to doodle and my bulletin boards are by far the best in the school and the ones that are changed most often. How can a person keep one bulletin board for the entire year????
I change my house around all the time, I change my classroom configuation much to the janitors shagrin on a biweekly basis. Basically I hate to have the surrounding stay the same. That is not to say that they are not neat and organized however. I feel like my two sides fight a great deal of the time. Oh, to wear mismatching clothes in a carefree style, nope not gonna happen. I can not bring myself to mix my red clothes with my blue clothes in the wash.
So today the organized teacher let the kids paint their Arizona topigraphical maps. I carefully let them use, brown then blue then green paint. Make your maps in an orderly manner. Amazing as it was not one child was upset that we did these masterpieces in a systematic manner. The care that they took to make their maps look like we had talked about was amazing. I was in heaven. Creativity with order...... Life was in balance today.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I am not sure that I like progress. I mean, it changes things. I am not against change, I have moved to six states and adapted just fine, but progress seems different to me.
We went for a ride today up to a small town called Greer today. We wanted to see how much snow was still on the ground now that we had had some warm weather. They got over seven feet when we got a mere five feet so, it was time for a road trip.
This little town is on the little Colorado river and it is very quaint. Or I should say it was. The cozy lodge that we have stayed in was surrounded now by cabins. Not one or two but like thirty. There was no fire in the fire place and the atmosphere had changed. I told Jeff I didn't like it as much and that there were too many cabins, people now. He said "that is progress".
I arrived at home to finish my "progress reports" for the children in my class and this weeks parent conferences. As I filled them out I was examining how much progress they had made. Some have made leaps and others just little baby steps. I have to say I relate to the baby steps. Why do we have to have leaps to be considered moving ahead? I did not let Jeff have our checks direct deposited until it was manditory. I like the radio in the car and he has the newest ipod and satelite radio. I like my old beat up comfortable sweatshirt from the University of Montana. I have purchased new ones, but I love this one.It takes me months to get my hair cut. Come on, I am not the model for progress. As I looked over the kiddos progress reports I contemplated what words I will use to talk to the parents. My kiddos with huge leaps it is easy, they will continue on with leaps. The small baby steps are the complicated ones. The parents will ask, when will it come, when will they get caught up, what will we do? I think the answer is: They are making progress just at their own speed. Does it really matter how fast we all get there or is it really more important to stay the path and make some progress.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A pencil

I am forever amazed at what some children do not have at their disposal. I was upset at a few of my students today for not returning their homework. I was also upset that one student kept chewing up his pencils. Not just nibbling but actually knawing on them like a beaver would a tree. I asked for reasons as to why they did not do their homework and on child said,"I did not have a pencil". This child said "why do others eat their pencils when I do not even have one at my house"?
Well, the teacher had no answer which seems to happen to me a great deal lately. I was astonished once again at the haves and have nots. One child would have done anything to have a pencil to finish their homework and the other is eating this item due to boredom.
I grew up in a home that had every item that I needed to complete any task as well as to be creative and fun. We were not rich as far as money, but my home was rich in items that helped me to excell. There was always a pencil, paper, glue, tape, scissors, material, pins on the floor from my mom's sewing great items and the list goes on and on. I have always had a craft closet. Jeff calls it my" mini walmart". I have tons of folders, paper, notebooks, glue, pencils etc. All of these items I buy when on sale and keep in the case of emergency. I have never not had a pencil.
I am continually amazed at how some households are able to function. No wonder when I let the children use tape and staples like today they go bananas. Or why I am a godess of a teacher when I bring out the glitter. All the things that I was able to play with and my daughters were able to play with are out of some children's reach.
So my challenge to all my 6 followers today is take a box of pencils to a school near to you. Tell the secretary that they are to be given out as needed to children that are unable to complete their homework because they do not have one. I know not one of you will be asked to take your pencils home.......

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Take The Time

I have been frustrated lately because our mailbox is still hidden under five feet of snow. This means that I have to stop by the post office everyday to pick up the mail. Yeah, this should be a simple thing, but one I start school in another town at 8am and get off at 4pm if there are no interruptions. Most days I leave at 4:30 or later. So when the post office opens at 9am and closes at 5pm and it is a 20 minute drive. You do the third grade math word problem here. I do not get to the mail most days. This is difficult for an anal person like me that starts to worry that a bill is sitting there and not paid. I know patience.
Anyhow, I made it to the post office yesterday and I need to remind all of you that we live in a town of about 3000 and they all go to the post office. With only 5 parking spots and five feet of snow in piles, well here is another third grade word problem. The answer is UGH!!!!!
I park and get in line. At the counter is a man who is talking to the postal employee while he is helping others. His voice is weaving a story that I am immediately drawn to. He is telling of the life of Geronimo. An Indian from this area. I am inthralled with this tale. About 10 others have entered the line to pick up their mail and as I turn around not one of them notices that we are in line. We are all focused on this man and his story. He starts to speak Apache as he weaves his words. I am able to get my mail and yet I am drawn to ask the man a question. I ask him how he came to know all of this information and he proceeds to tell me he was a lutheran minister for the Apaches for fifty one years. He was baptised by one of the leaders of the tribe and how they have no written language. I know this from the children that I teach and ask him if he tells his story to others. The ten people behind us are still standing there as I am hoping that these stories will not end. We all pause to thank him and explain that we could stay for hours and listen to him. I have a feeling of calm and amazement as he tells us he is 86 years young and that he speaks both Apache and Navajo. He begins to tell us the Indian words for rain, snow etc. and we all are sorry when he says he needs to get home to dinner. He gives me his address to write him if my principal okays a story telling by him at my school.
All I can say is I am so thankful I took the time to go to the post office yesterday.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Big Reveal

Now comment and tell me what you think :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I finally went and did it!!
Thought I would wait tell tomorrow to tell you what I did, but I want feedback.
I have been trying for months to get my hair cut. I am either exhausted after a long day, a parent come in and stops me, or the sky decides to dump 72 inches of white wonder on my life and leave me home bound for five days.
Today, I left work right after the kids got on the bus. I told two of my friends at work to expect a new me in the morning and I was off.
Well, not quite. I had to go to the post office to mail some valentines I had made for some special people in my life first. I get in line and there is a woman in front of me with the perfect hair and color. Ok now I am second guessing my decision again. This older man opens the door and I notice his hat says Montana. I as those that love me know do not need any more of an opening and I ask him if he is from Montana. No he says, my wife's cousin lives in....Oh, yeah Kalispell. I say oh I was born there and it was a nice way to spend my time in line. Anyhow, I mail the valentines and off I go. Snow is now falling heavy, do I go or just head home??
I decide that I need a route 44 slush from Sonic to make this decision and pull into the drive thru. Why is this such a problem????
Why am I having a problem getting my hair cut?
I drive to the salon and walk in. I have made up my mind that if the lady I know is not there or too busy I am going to leave. She is here....
I sit down and tell her what I have in mind and how this has taken two months and what is my problem. Forgot to tell you she is the mom of a student I had 4 years ago in first grade. She is so kind and patient, and she say, you just need some feedback on your thoughts for your hair. I said what? She says sometimes I am the same way, she says you need to be comfortable and know that you will not be bald. I really did not think that that was my fear I said. But she went on. No not really bald but open to critisism from others. I said you are so right. If I left my hair I could always say, I am trying to go get my hair cut but this excuse, and that excuse. When you finally do it, you have to live with the feedback from others on your action.
Man sometimes the strangest things hit me like a ton of bricks. It was not my hair that was making me feel weird but the possibilites that others will make comments that I do not want to hear.
Here I am thinking that I have grown and do not care about others opinions and it comes around and hits me again.
We are all wanting to be accepted and loved. We want feedback, but only the positive kind. I am no different than the children in my class that want to know immediately how they did on their spelling tests. Are they going to get that gold star? Did they make the grade?
Well, I did cut my hair and most of it is on the floor to be swept away. I left the old split ends in the salon and am ready to face the feedback tomorrow. I will post a picture tomorrow after you all give me postitive feedback to help with the self esteem prior to the reveal.......

Monday, February 1, 2010

One Shoe

So it has happened again. As I was driving to school this morning, there was one shoe in the middle of the road. Whenever this sight appears, I always pause to wonder the following:
1. Why one shoe?
2. Did someone throw it out?
3. Did it fall out of a car?
4. Who's shoe is it?
5. Where is the other shoe?
As I wonder these things, I also say a prayer. For who or what you may ask?
I never know, I always pray that the owner of the shoe is safe, warm and not in need of the item any longer.
I also pray that the shoe will find a place to rest either picked up by a person, or an animal. I love the story "The Mitten" and read it in January or February to my class each year. The story is about a lost mitten that animals find and soon inhabit.
I digress. So a shoe was in the middle of the road today. It was a small shoe and it looked as if it had been well worn. I wonder if God puts these shoes in the road for people to notice and stop and think. I also wonder if angels place them there to remind us to slow down and pay attention when driving. I will never know, but I do know this....If you see a lone shoe in the road today, stop and say a prayer.