Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, February 26, 2010


Time sure does seem to fly. Other weeks it could not go any slower.
The last two weeks have been two of the longest weeks in some time. I felt as if my days were crawling, but yet our days were so busy and we were out of our classroom so much for all the different events that even today a couple of my kids asked,"When are we going to go back to our real life"? I feel the same way!!!
But, what is real life?
I think that we forget that the common and mundane are what make our life real and give us the balance that we need. Children love structure and adults crave it, but we seem as a society to want the unknown and are drawn in by the mystic of "what if".
I hate calendar time during my day.
It is so repeticious and boring, I mean counting to 100 five different ways, saying the months of the year each day, going over the days of the week in third grade, come on! I could take a nap just repeating all of this stuff, but I have found that if we do not repeat items over and over, children today do not get the concept. What bores me is what keeps the child remembering, and gives my kiddos stability.
When you go home to chaos, it is nice to be somewhere that is stable and solid. I am never reminded of this more than on Fridays, when I have had a very long week and am ready for the buses to arrive and a little one comes to me and says," I wish it was Monday again". "why, I ask"? and the response is always, "Cause I love you and you let us have snack".
So really, it is cause I give them stability, but if they think it is the ten goldfish we have at ten o'clock everyday, so be it. I will be back on Monday to go over the calendar again. No Doze Anyone????????/

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