Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Hands

My hands are changing. This may not be earth shattering to others, or in that case to myself, but the change has become noticeable.
I have always had very smooth hands. I have had what I consider large hands, but they have always served me well.
I have made baskets from reed with these hands, I have washed many dishes, babies, dirty hands and faces with these hands. I have created art with these hands, shook hands with important and unimportant people with these hands. I have worn rings on these hands, my wedding ring, my college ring and rings from my parents on these hands. I have dug in the dirt, moved rocks, massaged Jeff's feet nightly with these hands. I am proud of my hands, they are hard working and comfortable hands.
Here is the thing that made me think of my hands and take a long look at them: I had to be fingerprinted for my job once again. As the lady was doing this she asked me to relax and let her do the work in order to get a good print. I did relax but as she came to my left hand she asked if I had worked with my hands a great deal? My response,"I am a teacher, work with my hands, that is a silly question in my book"
Why did she ask this? My left hand finger prints are wearing off. I am right handed so this was interesting to me. I learn a great deal from my hands in any given day.
I use them and abuse them, I never put on lotion, and I should. I have wrinkles in my hands all of a sudden like my mom's, my sisters, my grandmothers. I remember I would love to hold my grandmother Hazel's hands. She always took the time to do her nails, had all the stuff by her chair and her hands were so soft. I am glad my hands are changing, it shows I have lived a good life. I want my kids at school to hold my hands, maybe the only ones they ever hold. My hands are me. I am glad they are softening as I hope I am as I grow older.


  1. i loved this...
    i have always had a thing about my hands. my mom's hands, actually. her hands are always busy, always creating, and ALWAYS decked out in artsy rings and polish. but they are worn. she has very noticable veins showing on the top of her hands. i have these very same hands. i see her each time i'm aware of my own hands. the last few years, when she visits, i make it a point to photograph them. i want them forever...

  2. That is so great you remember Grandma Hazel's Hands and her polish by the couch. That is where all of mine sits. Jacob has my hands, gma's hands, mom's hands and we all share the same feet. All of my friends who travel and "sleep" with me will say, "take off your socks, it just isn't sleeping with you unless I get to feel your feet" I hated them growing up,now they are just ME!
