Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am so tired of stress. I see it in my children, my husband, my classroom kiddos, and myself. Very rarely do I not see a person that is not in some sort of turmoil or stress. Today, with a white out, I had to slow down and concentrate in order to make it home safely. There were three accidents, a jack knifed truck and the wind so strong that at points I could not see my hood.
I focused, held on to the wheel tight and slowed down. My breathing slowed, and for the first time today, I could breathe. My asthma has been acting up all week and I get moving so fast I can't catch my breathe. I could finally breathe. Is it that easy, slow down?????
I find that if I stop and think I feel better. I am going to do this tonight I am going to breathe. Yes, I have report cards to write, grades to average, a driveway full of snow and laundry, but tonight, I am going to breathe and be grateful that I am able to do so. So my advice for today, let the stress go....Slow down and if something does not get done, well be greatful that you can try again tomorrow.

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