Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday After Spring Break

I think that the Monday after Spring Break should be a national holiday.
I think that all twenty of my kiddos cried today or whined that they were hungry or something about them hurt.
I finally decided that I would do the mothering that they were asking for and just go with the day. Most of my plans were put aside as we took it much slower than a usual Monday.
The weather is changing, not for the best, we are in the spring cycle of nice day, windy day, snowy day. This breeds colds, runny noses, allergys and the use of many kleenex. We are all so drained from studying so hard and the multiplication and division is not coming as quickly as it has with other groups. I need to find a way to make the old flashcard idea a new and exciting game. I still have not found a way to teach these facts other than good old memorization. My need for a soda today was great and of course today was the first day of my new plan to not have anymore soda.
These are the things that I am grateful for today. All of my kiddos came back to school safe after our break. They all spoke of something fun that they had been able to do over the break and they were all so excited to see me.
We worked on our reading packet together and read our new story. The story is about a pretend town made out of rocks, the kiddos then drew their own make believe town. I had four make libraries in their towns.YES YES YES
So here is to another day tomorrow and a little less tears and a few less whiners and a six pack of soda for the teacher....


  1. are you sure you don't want to make that a six pack of beer?!
    bere's to a better tomorrow.

  2. I thought of you yesterday and should have written my suggestion- begin the day with each child telling what they did on spring break or start the day off with just plain doodling until everyone is back used to being confined. Use objects like milkshakes, cookies, cars etc for your mulitiplication flash cards.
