Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, March 8, 2010

creativity or lack there of

I am in a funk. I have been trying new creative endeavors and failing miserably. I keep trying, but I am throwing more away than creating at the moment. I feel that way in my teaching at the moment as well. I am trying to stuff so much information into the little ones heads that we are in a funk and not making any gains.
The snow keeps falling and we are all in a state of "If spring break does not get here soon" something not so wonderful will happen. Like the class may eat the teacher.
I have tried putting some art into our days and that seems to have brightened a few spirits. Today we made marble painting shamrocks. They are beautiful and if I can remember the camera tomorrow I will share. Today I forgot to put my makeup on, now that is a scary teacher.
Any way I have decided to do some art and show it on my niece's blog each week. So far this has gotten me nothing but a heap in the trash and the stress of why did I say I would try this? My daughters are both taking or studying for midterms. I feel that if you do not try to learn new things you become old and stale and shrivel up a bit each day. So here is to my midterm, create something wonderful by Thursday. Wish me luck.


  1. oh, auntie, no stressing! you're missing the point. put some ink on paper. doodle yourself with no makeup on! paint to your favorite song. no brain activity allowed. just be. let go of your perfectionism and appreciate what comes from your body.
    it's a big task, i know. but you can do it.
    i love that you're trying!

  2. Angie you and Heather brighten our days. Your blogs let us be part of your everyday lives.
    Thanks. I could sure use a new basket.
