Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rough Week

I hate to blog about rough times, it seems so whinny and selfish. But this week I really need to get my thoughts out and over with.
Monday started out just fine until the principal called me in and gave me my pink slip. Again out of a job in May. Education in this country sucks. Where else do you let people go that are more than qualified and eagar to help our children because the goverment can't sign a budget and they think cutting funding for education is the answer. I say cut some of the politicians and keep some teachers.
Then came Thursday and Jeff had his first colonoscopy. Long day before and night and then he went in and they said it was all good but they could not get him to wake up. Robyn and I went back and started talking to him and took him home to sleep. He wants some of that medicine he says. I was really worried but he doesn't remember a thing.
Friday would have been our grand daughter Jaidyn's third birthday. She was a sweet baby and the light of our lives for 24 days. We all miss her terribly. W e are all praying for more babies in our future. This is what I call a sad week. So I am very blessed as my trouble are very few just heavy heart. I know that god is good and will allow more children to bless our family. I know god is good and helping us to all live healthier lives on a daily basis. Fiber Fiber Fiber people. And I know that I am a great teacher and some school irregardless of the funding is in need of my services. So this Easter I hope that all of you know what blessings you have in your lives and that you try to bless others. Happy Easter to one and all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry all this is happening, Angie. Yuck. You are right, though. God is good. He has your back. Keep smiling, if you can! :)
