Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blog Number 100

So I know it has been awhile. Well, let's see, I have finished a year of teaching, got a new crown on a tooth that broke, went to the dr. ( was dreading this) blood test came out fine. And have spent the last few weeks interviewing for a new job.
I am getting to be awesome at interviewing. It helps that my husband is an HR manager and has coached me, helped me with my resume and my stategies. He has even told me how certain interviews were going to go and low and be hold he was spot on. He is an amazing husband and father and coach. I have learned so much in this process after the last two years.
I am interviewing the schools just as much as they are interviewing me. I know what I am looking for and have made up my mind that they will be lucky to get me. How is that for self confidence and an attitude.
I also had my wonderful Robyn dye my hair back to its beautiful brown color. I needed to change something and it was the easiest and actually the cheapest. New carpet, new chairs, painting the walls, yeah, too much at the moment. So the hair won. I love it. I had comments all day about how young I looked. Wow who knew. Anyway it did get a bit more expensive as I went and got it cut today as well. I still had this heavy feeling and I knew it was time. I have not had it cut in over a year. The girl was great and said that it was super healthy for having been that long. Yeah, I know she just wanted a tip.
I was going to make my 100th blog this big deal and thought about all the things that were important enough to go on my hundredth blog and then there it was. Nothing!!!!
I am a teacher I teach about reading 100 books, learning our numbers to 100 , we celebrate 100 day and I just could not come up with anything. So as I looked at the ceiling for 4 hours last night going over in my head what interview questions the team would have how the other interviews have gone, it came to me. Just write something stupid and move on. So here it is something stupid and moving on.

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