Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Color is a part of my life everyday. I am the keeper of the crayons. I can hand them out at will, I pick them up off the floor about 1000 times a day. I discuss the slight differences in colors when the dispute arises as to if this is green or light green. To most this may seem trivial. It is a big deal in the first grade classroom.
It is amazing to me the number of children that I have had over the years that have never had a coloring book.
A good friend of mine, Janet and I used to talk about how calming coloring can be. We would try to have our class learn the technique of coloring and show the children that we enjoyed this activity as much as they did.
Yesterday I was helping my children with a math page. The page asked the children to color the picture after they had figured out the math facts. They were to use three colors and color the numbers and see what the picture was. This was a good page because the picture was not obvious until they began coloring. As they colored some said,"It is a car", no "it is a car and clouds" etc. As we finished the picture one child asked if he could color in the color book I had given each child at the beginning of our year. I said yes, he came back to the table and said will you color with me. Joy, I love that. I said sure and as I colored the others asked why my picture looked so much better. I said it is not better, I just have practiced a lot and I try to color the same direction and showed them how to outline, use harder pressure and lighter pressure to see the differences. Anyway as I am doing this my little boy that is so hyper and never stays still says to me" Ms. Comer I got it." I said got what? He says You have to "BE THE CRAYON". I smiled and said yes!!!!!!!!!
Oh, the colors in my class...... Some may actually be the brightest crayons in the box........


  1. You are finding joy in the simple things. Thats the best of life as you are still learning and teaching.

  2. Watching the little lights come on and helping students make connections is why you choose to be in the trenches every day.
