I am so sorry to post this for all of my winter ridden family and friends but bear with me.
1. We have mowed the lawn three times with our new lawn mower.
2. I have flowers coming out all over the yard. Pictures to be added as soon as Robyn gets home.
3. The birds are eating us out of house and bird seed.
4. The golf balls are plentiful as the course is busy non stop.
5. I laid by the pool for an hour and a half yesterday.
6. The cars are covered in a pretty yellow-green hue.
7. The students have about had their fill of school.
8. The teacher is resorting to promises of popsicles if they behave.
9. The teacher can't be outside more than two seconds and the eyes are watery and red and itchy.
10. Reeses peanut butter eggs are in the stores. And more importantly in my cart. Oh, Robyn and Ally say that they love the bubble gum eggs if anyone is buying and sending them their way.
Happy Spring to one and all and leave me a comment or two......
Welcome to my Life!
The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey
Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Light bulbs
I know you all think I am crazy for what I blog about and your probably think that I am going to go on and on about the new energy saving light bulbs that cost 20.00 but only cost .97 a year and last 10 years.
My students have light bulbs turning on at a rapid pace.
I had told my assistant that the light bulbs will start to go off but he did not really believe me. I knew it would happen. It usually happens after Christmas Break but with this group it happened after Spring Break.
The children entered this morning looking clean, dapper with new shoes and new haircuts and a sparkle in their eyes. My assistant began to exclaim, "what is it, They are different". I said just wait.
It happened after lunch.
I was starting our new math calendar time and asked if someone could volunteer to come to the permethian board and solve out word problem. I chose two digit numbers in the problem to introduce our new standard of adding two digit numbers without regrouping. Well, a normally quiet reserved girl volunteered to come up. I gave her the pen and asked her how she was going to go about solving the problem. Her response was to make twenty five marks and cross out 14 and it would give her the correct answer. My assistant's mouth dropped open. Wow came out and I said just wait.
The next problem was one with 17 coins and involved me writing them on the board. As I did this I heard another little girl in the back ground begin to add them up. As she got close she stopped and I turned around and asked her if she had it figured out. She ran up took the pen and said Yes, but it is different. I said okay show us. She counted as we had learned by fives and then she looked puzzled for a minute. She had gotten to 100 and was thinking, you could see the wheels turning. She continued and said the answer is 126 and I said but this is money and she said oh, yeah that is it, it is a dollar and left over cents. Another mouth drop from the assistant.
As the afternoon progressed, a boy that I am sure is autistic, and very seldom makes major break throughs, asked if he could read a book out of the book bin. My assistant said "No that is too hard" He said no it isn't I will show you. The story was about magnets and he began to read fluently and used words like refrigerator, metal and pipes with out hesitation. Once again the assistant dropped his lower jaw and this time exclaimed" What just happened in the last 7 days"
I said remember that light bulb. He called his sister and said I can't believe what these kids know, she said you just missed them. No they really are learning!!!!!
He asked me if I had any more tricks up my sleeve. I said just wait until I show you the ones with the new LED lightbulbs........
Am I good or what.
My students have light bulbs turning on at a rapid pace.
I had told my assistant that the light bulbs will start to go off but he did not really believe me. I knew it would happen. It usually happens after Christmas Break but with this group it happened after Spring Break.
The children entered this morning looking clean, dapper with new shoes and new haircuts and a sparkle in their eyes. My assistant began to exclaim, "what is it, They are different". I said just wait.
It happened after lunch.
I was starting our new math calendar time and asked if someone could volunteer to come to the permethian board and solve out word problem. I chose two digit numbers in the problem to introduce our new standard of adding two digit numbers without regrouping. Well, a normally quiet reserved girl volunteered to come up. I gave her the pen and asked her how she was going to go about solving the problem. Her response was to make twenty five marks and cross out 14 and it would give her the correct answer. My assistant's mouth dropped open. Wow came out and I said just wait.
The next problem was one with 17 coins and involved me writing them on the board. As I did this I heard another little girl in the back ground begin to add them up. As she got close she stopped and I turned around and asked her if she had it figured out. She ran up took the pen and said Yes, but it is different. I said okay show us. She counted as we had learned by fives and then she looked puzzled for a minute. She had gotten to 100 and was thinking, you could see the wheels turning. She continued and said the answer is 126 and I said but this is money and she said oh, yeah that is it, it is a dollar and left over cents. Another mouth drop from the assistant.
As the afternoon progressed, a boy that I am sure is autistic, and very seldom makes major break throughs, asked if he could read a book out of the book bin. My assistant said "No that is too hard" He said no it isn't I will show you. The story was about magnets and he began to read fluently and used words like refrigerator, metal and pipes with out hesitation. Once again the assistant dropped his lower jaw and this time exclaimed" What just happened in the last 7 days"
I said remember that light bulb. He called his sister and said I can't believe what these kids know, she said you just missed them. No they really are learning!!!!!
He asked me if I had any more tricks up my sleeve. I said just wait until I show you the ones with the new LED lightbulbs........
Am I good or what.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I am loved. I went back to my old stomping grounds of Whipple Ranch Elementary. I walked in and surprised everyone. The kids came running and the hugs were amazing. I think one little girl even cried. I need nothing else. The children love me. I do not care about paper work, lesson plans, anything. I go to work every day for the kiddos. I told these children that I have 13new kiddos that need me. When they all begged me to stay, I had to go. They are in great hands......
Friday, March 11, 2011
Lack of inspiration
Recently I have felt this total lack of inspiration. I have been frustrated at the class and unable to see any progress. I have been frustrated by the fact that I was on crutches for weeks and could not exercise. I have been frustrated with the weather changing everyday from hot to cold. I have been frustrated by the fact that I am sneezing constantly and having trouble breathing and this is with allergy meds.
I have been searching for ideas, I look on blogs everyday and wonder what I can do to spark my kiddos, spark my sense of learning and Get these kiddos reading.
This week was our third nine weeks testing.
I hate this week. I have to test each child individually on many areas and I have to give them a test that is not developmentally accurate. I watched the children get more and more frustrated and the teachers about crack up. We had teachers in tears with their scores. The students were overly stimulated and then we had two days of really bad weather on top of this. In other words we were all ready for 3:30 today. Spring Break.
The kiddos in my class had done very good on their 2nd nine weeks so I was afraid that we could not do that again. I was so wrong....
I am so inspired today. My kids could not have done any better. Last time I had the highest math scores in the entire district and fourth highest in Reading. There was a three way tie for first. So I really got second.
Anyhow, I was really fearful that it was a fluk. I mean, me the constant negative nelly, the one that wants constant reinforcement that I am doing a good job, just knew that it was a mirage, that I was dreaming and they really did not do that well. Well, they did and they did better this time. I mean I almost fell over today.
My kids seemed to understand all the items but some made some silly mistakes, I cringe and they go on. But the way the test is scored, they aced the math, I mean all made advanced and all but one made advanced in reading. I am leaving for AZ with the mind set that I am a great teacher and it does not matter that my class is a bit noisier than the others, or that we do things a little different than the other two first grade classes. I mean we are all reading and we are all writing. The children love to come to class, I have had perfect attendance for two months and they did not want to leave for break today. I am inspired to be even better after a week off at the ball park and time to actually breathe.
Happy Spring Break to one and all. Leave a comment so I know you are all still reading my writings will you.....
I have been searching for ideas, I look on blogs everyday and wonder what I can do to spark my kiddos, spark my sense of learning and Get these kiddos reading.
This week was our third nine weeks testing.
I hate this week. I have to test each child individually on many areas and I have to give them a test that is not developmentally accurate. I watched the children get more and more frustrated and the teachers about crack up. We had teachers in tears with their scores. The students were overly stimulated and then we had two days of really bad weather on top of this. In other words we were all ready for 3:30 today. Spring Break.
The kiddos in my class had done very good on their 2nd nine weeks so I was afraid that we could not do that again. I was so wrong....
I am so inspired today. My kids could not have done any better. Last time I had the highest math scores in the entire district and fourth highest in Reading. There was a three way tie for first. So I really got second.
Anyhow, I was really fearful that it was a fluk. I mean, me the constant negative nelly, the one that wants constant reinforcement that I am doing a good job, just knew that it was a mirage, that I was dreaming and they really did not do that well. Well, they did and they did better this time. I mean I almost fell over today.
My kids seemed to understand all the items but some made some silly mistakes, I cringe and they go on. But the way the test is scored, they aced the math, I mean all made advanced and all but one made advanced in reading. I am leaving for AZ with the mind set that I am a great teacher and it does not matter that my class is a bit noisier than the others, or that we do things a little different than the other two first grade classes. I mean we are all reading and we are all writing. The children love to come to class, I have had perfect attendance for two months and they did not want to leave for break today. I am inspired to be even better after a week off at the ball park and time to actually breathe.
Happy Spring Break to one and all. Leave a comment so I know you are all still reading my writings will you.....
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Grocery Shopping
I have a confession to make. I have not been grocery shopping since about October. I also have to admit that I do not miss it. Jeff loves to shop and has taken on this task. I have not argued and have actually liked the fact that I do not have to face all the people. You see here in Hattiesburg we do not have a grocery store. We have Walmart and Sams. There is a store called Corner Market, up the road about three miles, but it is small and very expensive. I have been used to a Safeway, lots of deals, a starbucks and open on my way to work or home.
So as of October when we moved into the new house, Jeff has taken to going to Walmart and Sam's each Saturday after he works out about 7am. This is too early for me on a Saturday, and he has already been to work out. I know insane, he gets up at 4:30 everyday. That is a whole nother blog.
I love that he goes, gets our weekly food, and stocks up on all of the essentials. I never have to worry. Except I would like to have some junk every now and then. He refuses to buy junk food, and forget about my beloved "sugar water" as he calls my coke. I am just at a point now that I am bored. I think we are in a rut and I need to give him some new ideas on what to get for summer. I like to cook, just that after a day with all the little ones I am beat. I have to plan my dinner in the am if we are going to be very creative. Then there are the days when I get out of the school see the sun for the first time that day, as I have no windows in my room and think that the pizza is the best option. I do this we come home and eat it and we all do not really feel full or satisfied. I used to make homemade pizza all the time. I did make an apple pie from scratch the other day, but now it is like 80 degrees and the oven turning on seems to be a poor idea.
So we went to see about a new grill this weekend. Let's say that was a surprise. The grills out there now are live full size kitchens. I just want a small grill, easy to operate and cook enough for about 5 as I need left overs for lunches. Propane is another issue. You buy the 200.00 grill and then the propane tank is 30.00 empty. So here is the rub. Is it still cheaper to cook at home, face the crowds at Walmart or to go out to eat. That is the question........
So as of October when we moved into the new house, Jeff has taken to going to Walmart and Sam's each Saturday after he works out about 7am. This is too early for me on a Saturday, and he has already been to work out. I know insane, he gets up at 4:30 everyday. That is a whole nother blog.
I love that he goes, gets our weekly food, and stocks up on all of the essentials. I never have to worry. Except I would like to have some junk every now and then. He refuses to buy junk food, and forget about my beloved "sugar water" as he calls my coke. I am just at a point now that I am bored. I think we are in a rut and I need to give him some new ideas on what to get for summer. I like to cook, just that after a day with all the little ones I am beat. I have to plan my dinner in the am if we are going to be very creative. Then there are the days when I get out of the school see the sun for the first time that day, as I have no windows in my room and think that the pizza is the best option. I do this we come home and eat it and we all do not really feel full or satisfied. I used to make homemade pizza all the time. I did make an apple pie from scratch the other day, but now it is like 80 degrees and the oven turning on seems to be a poor idea.
So we went to see about a new grill this weekend. Let's say that was a surprise. The grills out there now are live full size kitchens. I just want a small grill, easy to operate and cook enough for about 5 as I need left overs for lunches. Propane is another issue. You buy the 200.00 grill and then the propane tank is 30.00 empty. So here is the rub. Is it still cheaper to cook at home, face the crowds at Walmart or to go out to eat. That is the question........
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