Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grocery Shopping

I have a confession to make. I have not been grocery shopping since about October.  I also have to admit that I do not miss it. Jeff loves to shop and has taken on this task. I have not argued and have actually liked the fact that I do not have to face all the people. You see here in Hattiesburg we do not have a grocery store. We have Walmart and Sams. There is a store called Corner Market, up the road about three miles, but it is small and very expensive. I have been used to a Safeway, lots of deals, a starbucks and open on my way to work or home.
So as of October when we moved into the new house, Jeff has taken to going to Walmart and Sam's each Saturday after he works out about 7am. This is too early for me on a Saturday, and he has already been to work out. I know insane, he gets up at 4:30 everyday. That is a whole nother blog.
I love that he goes, gets our weekly food, and stocks up on all of the essentials. I never have to worry. Except I would like to have some junk every now and then. He refuses to buy junk food, and forget about my beloved "sugar water" as he calls my coke. I am just at a point now that I am bored. I think we are in a rut and I need to give him some new ideas on what to get for summer. I like to cook, just that after a day with all the little ones I am beat. I have to plan my dinner in the am if we are going to be very creative.  Then there are the days when I get out of the school see the sun for the first time that day, as I have no windows in my room and think that the pizza is the best option. I do this we come home and eat it and we all do not really feel full or satisfied. I used to make homemade pizza all the time. I did make an apple pie from scratch the other day, but now it is like 80 degrees and the oven turning on seems to be a poor idea.
So we went to see about a new grill this weekend. Let's say that was a surprise. The grills out there now are live full size kitchens. I just want a small grill, easy to operate and cook enough for about 5 as I need left overs for lunches. Propane is another issue. You buy the 200.00 grill and then the propane tank is 30.00 empty. So here is the rub. Is it still cheaper to cook at home, face the crowds at Walmart or to go out to eat. That is the question........

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