Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day. Why just one day a year? Being a mother takes 24 hours a day 365 days a year and still at times, I feel as if I should be doing a better job.
I have wonderful, beautiful daughters that I am so proud of. I love being their mother. I wanted to be their mother before they were born. We had trouble getting pregnant so the thought that went into these two wonderful children was full of science and patience and prayer.
I have been very blessed as they are the most amazing young ladies. Each day they grow and change and make me proud. They worry about grades, if their friends are doing okay and most days if their mother is doing okay. Jeff left today for a seperation that is due to the new job. I really do not like being away from him as we have always made our role of parents, one of co-parents. If I had had a long day, he would take the girls for a walk, let me go teach basket class which turned into an every Monday night thing which the became "Noodle Night" for him and the girls. It has always been the two of us. Yes, I help with the need for new clothes, makeup etc. but the girls call dad when they need to ask techniccal questions, tell him about something that learned in class or to ask nicely for money for school and books. I am so grateful that they also ask him all the computer questions.
They also know to ask him to go to the movies with them, as I have a tendancy to fall asleep and snore at most movies. I did make it through Iron Man 2 yesterday, but it was so loud I do not know how anyone could have slept.
In other words, I love being a mother, and a wife, and I hope my girls are able to see that in me most days. I know I am not perfect and make lots of mistakes in mothering, but if trying my best each and everyday is enough, then I am a Great Mother.

1 comment:

  1. happy mother's day, aunt angie! you have wonderful girls, with beautiful spirits! and you are a terrific mom!
