Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Sunday, September 25, 2011


In five or six days it will be October, can't believe it. Last week was the last day of Summer. Well, whoever made up that silly date was not a person in Mississippi. The weather seems even hotter than it did in July here.
I mowed the lawn and it too almost two hours. The grass was as thick as hay. The rain really did a number on my ability to mow this week. Went for a walk with Jeff around the golf course this morning and was so sweaty by the first hole, had to take my sweatshirt off and wipe all the sweat away. The leaves are still green and the grass is still green. Sure seems like summer to me.

I watched some football this morning, in that I mean about ten minutes into it I fell asleep and woke up three hours later to the end of the game. I love doing this. I did not sleep well last night with the humidity up and an ear ache.

I have decided that fall means, hot food, spiced cookies , sweaters and lots of hot tea. Here in MS it means, iced tea, shorts, salads and spiced cookies. Robyn made the best cookies yesterday.
I need to go up north to see the leaves changing and Jeff said that we could do just that for my fall break. I am so excited. Tenn. here we come. Jeff looking at civil war sites, me looking at the leaves changing and the cooler weather makes for a perfect get away.
Love to all for the start of Fall.

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