Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, March 21, 2011

Light bulbs

I know you all think I am crazy for what I blog about and your probably think that I am going to go on and on about the new energy saving light bulbs that cost 20.00 but only cost .97 a year and last 10 years.
My students have light bulbs turning on at a rapid pace.
I had told my assistant that the light bulbs will start to go off but he did not really believe me. I knew it would happen. It usually happens after Christmas Break but with this group it happened after Spring Break.
The children entered this morning looking clean, dapper with new shoes and new haircuts and a sparkle in their eyes. My assistant began to exclaim, "what is it,  They are different". I said just wait.
It happened after lunch.
I was starting our new math calendar time and asked if someone could volunteer to come to the permethian board and solve out word problem. I chose two digit numbers in the problem to introduce our new standard of adding two digit numbers without regrouping. Well, a normally quiet reserved girl volunteered to come up. I gave her the pen and asked her how she was going to go about solving the problem. Her response was to make twenty five marks and cross out 14 and it would give her the correct answer. My assistant's mouth dropped open. Wow came out and I said just wait.
The next problem was one with 17 coins and involved me writing them on the board. As I did this I heard another little girl in the back ground begin to add them up. As she got close she stopped and I turned around and asked her if she had it figured out. She ran up took the pen and said Yes, but it is different. I said okay show us. She counted as we had learned by fives and then she looked puzzled for a minute. She had gotten to 100 and was thinking, you could see the wheels turning. She continued and said the answer is 126 and I said but this is money and she said oh, yeah that is it, it is a dollar and left over cents. Another mouth drop from the assistant.
As the afternoon progressed, a boy that I am sure is autistic, and very seldom makes major break throughs, asked if he could read a book out of the book bin. My assistant said "No that is too hard" He said no it isn't I will show you. The story was about magnets and he began to read fluently and used words like refrigerator, metal and pipes with out hesitation. Once again the assistant dropped his lower jaw and this time exclaimed" What just happened in the last 7 days"
I said remember that light bulb. He called his sister and said I can't believe what these kids know, she said you just missed them. No they really are learning!!!!!

He asked me if I had any more tricks up my sleeve.  I said just wait until I show you the ones with the new LED lightbulbs........
Am I good or what.


  1. nice lights!!! Bright shiny minds waiting and wanting to learn.

  2. You've always been an AWESOME teacher!
