Hot !!!
That is all there is to be said of this weather lately. Hot. It is in the upper 90's to the low 100's and it is hot.
One can shower but in a matter of walking to the mailbox, one is soaking wet again it really is quite useless.
The water at the pool is nice and warm. Yes, I said warm. The pool feels like bathwater. We went yesterday and I tried this new spray sun screen on Jeff and missed an entire patch on his left arm. Nice red sunburn on that arm now. Sorry Honey.
The need to get things done, is there but the ability in the heat is limited. I really need to organize the garage, but the only way I can even do any work is to bring the items in the house to organize them and then take them back outside.
I feel the need to wear as little clothing as possible and have the shades drawn so no whale spottings are reported.
I wonder why all these women that I see when I do go out look so put together and make up is perfect. I gave up the makeup at 70 degrees. Who wants to see makeup dripping off a face at the speed of light.
I have figured out that the women around here are not out in their yards much and that the men that do the yard work wear major head gear and sweat almost as much as I do.
The bugs have started to come out at dusk now so we are avoiding the deck at that time due to the 30 bites Robyn got the other night.
I do not want anyone to think that I am whining, yes, I have lived for 6 years in snow snow and more snow. My parents have only seen the sun for a week now and my sister says rain is all that they have gotten so I am not complaining. I am only observing and hoping to share some of the heat with others. Let's say I take the 70 degrees and sun and the extra 30 degrees can be shared with others.
There is hot and then there is too hot. When a day at the pool involves blisters on the feet to get to the pool it is tooo HOT.......
Welcome to my Life!
The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey
Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
So we went golfing today. It was strange to be back on a golf course after so many years. I now live on a golf course, but I used to "live on a golf course". In high school I was the only girl on the golf team until my senior year when my sister was a freshman and she also played.
My parents loved golf. My father was very good and I remember many days spent at the golf course watching him play. My mother was also very good and I remember her trophies that she won in league play.
At nine I learned to golf and from then on I loved the game.
I enjoyed the smell of the freshly cut grass, the time to be outside and the time to think about things other than homework.
I enjoyed playing with the boys, they played quickly and they did not argue, or worry about what they were wearing in order to play.
When I was a junior I got twelfth in the state of Montana in the girls state tournament. My only real great golfing accomplishment. My grandfather and my parents cut out all the newspaper clippings of how I did each tournament, and came to all of the ones that they could. It was wonderful to feel so loved and really I never did play very well. I never really cared if I won. Not that I wanted to lose, I just did not have to win to have a good day.
I got my clubs out last night and cleaned them off. The zipper on my bag had melted together and would not unzip with out wd 40, this will tell you how long it had been since I played. I looked at all the clubs, still very useful and went to bed.
This morning we woke up early, got dressed and hit the club house, like a block down the road. Yes we got to play our own course that we live on.
My main goal today was to see the course and get to know where my house is in relationship to the course. It was hot at 7 am. Like 85 and humid. I took 5 practice swings at the driving range and said okay that is it, too hot to practice.
Well, here is the result:
We started on 18 and I did fine. I had some good shots, I had some bad shots, I had a few great chips, I had some bad chips, I had some good putts and I had some bad putts.
I was drenched in sweat by the third hole. The men were still looking pretty good sweat wise but I was a mess. If there was water in front of my I went into it. GLUB GLUB GLUB!!!!
My club grips were sticky and my five wood grip came off. I think my clubs may have seen their last course.
My wonderful husband did great and had the longest putt of the day easilly over 25 feet.
The son and his father we played with were wonderful and they had big bertha drivers that we loved to hear them hit.
Robyn came out and gave us all water and ice in cups on the 11 that is where we live and mocha barked at me to say hello.
Our team ended at 2 under and I was thrilled. The winners tied at 10 under, show offs.
The experience was wonderful and fun, but strange in that the mill people got their prizes and left, did not really socialize much and I think some were upset that us once a year golfers took home a prize.
The seriousness that some take in the game is still something that I do not like. I loved our group cause they cheered for all of us. It took all of us to get the 2 under. WE all had good and bad shots.
That was what was fun.
I truly do not need to be the best at anything in order to enjoy it. Strange I think. Others have to be the best all of the time, I don't, I can be ordinary and that is fine. I do not need to impress anyone, and I can still hit a really good 3 iron. Now the woods, yeah, that sucks.
Between Jeff and I we contributed at least 10 balls into the water and woods, no problem they came from the supply of balls that we find in our yard everyday. So we are down to about a 100 now.
All in all a fun, enjoyable day. Now I need a bath, some bengay and a nice cozy book.
My parents loved golf. My father was very good and I remember many days spent at the golf course watching him play. My mother was also very good and I remember her trophies that she won in league play.
At nine I learned to golf and from then on I loved the game.
I enjoyed the smell of the freshly cut grass, the time to be outside and the time to think about things other than homework.
I enjoyed playing with the boys, they played quickly and they did not argue, or worry about what they were wearing in order to play.
When I was a junior I got twelfth in the state of Montana in the girls state tournament. My only real great golfing accomplishment. My grandfather and my parents cut out all the newspaper clippings of how I did each tournament, and came to all of the ones that they could. It was wonderful to feel so loved and really I never did play very well. I never really cared if I won. Not that I wanted to lose, I just did not have to win to have a good day.
I got my clubs out last night and cleaned them off. The zipper on my bag had melted together and would not unzip with out wd 40, this will tell you how long it had been since I played. I looked at all the clubs, still very useful and went to bed.
This morning we woke up early, got dressed and hit the club house, like a block down the road. Yes we got to play our own course that we live on.
My main goal today was to see the course and get to know where my house is in relationship to the course. It was hot at 7 am. Like 85 and humid. I took 5 practice swings at the driving range and said okay that is it, too hot to practice.
Well, here is the result:
We started on 18 and I did fine. I had some good shots, I had some bad shots, I had a few great chips, I had some bad chips, I had some good putts and I had some bad putts.
I was drenched in sweat by the third hole. The men were still looking pretty good sweat wise but I was a mess. If there was water in front of my I went into it. GLUB GLUB GLUB!!!!
My club grips were sticky and my five wood grip came off. I think my clubs may have seen their last course.
My wonderful husband did great and had the longest putt of the day easilly over 25 feet.
The son and his father we played with were wonderful and they had big bertha drivers that we loved to hear them hit.
Robyn came out and gave us all water and ice in cups on the 11 that is where we live and mocha barked at me to say hello.
Our team ended at 2 under and I was thrilled. The winners tied at 10 under, show offs.
The experience was wonderful and fun, but strange in that the mill people got their prizes and left, did not really socialize much and I think some were upset that us once a year golfers took home a prize.
The seriousness that some take in the game is still something that I do not like. I loved our group cause they cheered for all of us. It took all of us to get the 2 under. WE all had good and bad shots.
That was what was fun.
I truly do not need to be the best at anything in order to enjoy it. Strange I think. Others have to be the best all of the time, I don't, I can be ordinary and that is fine. I do not need to impress anyone, and I can still hit a really good 3 iron. Now the woods, yeah, that sucks.
Between Jeff and I we contributed at least 10 balls into the water and woods, no problem they came from the supply of balls that we find in our yard everyday. So we are down to about a 100 now.
All in all a fun, enjoyable day. Now I need a bath, some bengay and a nice cozy book.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
I have been waiting to hear back on a job for about three weeks now. I am not very good at this waiting game. I waited about two months last summer and did not hear until the end of August and did not start until the end of September.
I even dream I hear the phone ringing. This has got to stop. I love to teach and I like to work but I am so tired of waiting.
I decided today to go through all the boxes of books in the garage and reorganize them. I know boring.....
No really they were in boxes labelled by AR reading levels and then when we moved the movers put everything in to fill the boxes that were not full and moved the books around. That is why they are packers and not teachers.
So I decided to use my time to organize my books and write down all the titles so that I 1. know what books I have and 2. I know if I have multiple copies and 3. I will know what levels I am overflowing in books and which ones I am low in. Was a great idea until I am on box 10 and the floor is covered in books. There are still about 8 boxes in the garage left to go through. I know as in the last post I have an addiction.
Did you know that some of the best books are really at a level that you would not think. Like Cat in the Hat is a 2nd grade level book. Parents are always trying to get their kids to read that book first.
Did you know that the levels of the books are on the back of the books cover or you can go to a website on line and level them yourself.
Did you even care about any of this? Probably not. I know boring just like waiting.
I even dream I hear the phone ringing. This has got to stop. I love to teach and I like to work but I am so tired of waiting.
I decided today to go through all the boxes of books in the garage and reorganize them. I know boring.....
No really they were in boxes labelled by AR reading levels and then when we moved the movers put everything in to fill the boxes that were not full and moved the books around. That is why they are packers and not teachers.
So I decided to use my time to organize my books and write down all the titles so that I 1. know what books I have and 2. I know if I have multiple copies and 3. I will know what levels I am overflowing in books and which ones I am low in. Was a great idea until I am on box 10 and the floor is covered in books. There are still about 8 boxes in the garage left to go through. I know as in the last post I have an addiction.
Did you know that some of the best books are really at a level that you would not think. Like Cat in the Hat is a 2nd grade level book. Parents are always trying to get their kids to read that book first.
Did you know that the levels of the books are on the back of the books cover or you can go to a website on line and level them yourself.
Did you even care about any of this? Probably not. I know boring just like waiting.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I am addicted!!!!! I need a 12 step program and I need it now.
I have a problem. I love books and I love to read. I have finished in the last 3 weeks four books. I had two going at once. Now that is an accomplishment for me.
I read: High Heels and Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond
Crunch Time by Diane Mott Davidson
Cupcake mystery
The first six weeks of school.
Numerous magazines and looking forward to three new books on the horizon.
I have twenty five boxes of books in the garage. These are my classroom books in boxes by accellerated reader levels, themes, topics etc.
I have three book shelves in my back room filled with teacher books. Jeff says it is a sickness.
I could be dropped off in the middle of Barnes and Nobel and not found for days and I would be in Heaven.
I was hoping to be offered a job by the time we leave for Ohio tomorrow so that I would have an excuse to go to my favorite teacher store. Bummed now need to think of a way to get in there.
I have also come to the amazing conclusion that books need to be stacked on shelves horizontally not vertically. My neck and millions of others necks have kinks in them from looking sideways at the titles. Stack them from floor to ceiling and this would help so much.
Also just so you know I have read all the books in the garage, some like a hundred times, The Foot Book.
Well, Jeff told me today that for a reward he got to choose a gift. He chose a NOOK. Now I excited and aprehensive at the same time. I love to touch my books. I love to turn over the corner and mark my spot. I know there is a commercial out there like that but I really do love to feel my books. So not so sure what this new gift will be like.
I know that it will be lighter than the ten books I am taking on the plane, but come on I count that as my weight lifting. I also like to mark in my books. I know so tabot for a teacher to admit that. But I have highlighted, post its and just plain ripped paper to mark my books. They are my babies. I can't imagine not having them.
I can read some books and send them on their way to others. This has to be a good first move on my part right? But the true good books, they are on my shelves and here for reading and rereading.
So I may need a twelve step program but I would rather have retail therapy and go to the bookstore.
See you there.
I have a problem. I love books and I love to read. I have finished in the last 3 weeks four books. I had two going at once. Now that is an accomplishment for me.
I read: High Heels and Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond
Crunch Time by Diane Mott Davidson
Cupcake mystery
The first six weeks of school.
Numerous magazines and looking forward to three new books on the horizon.
I have twenty five boxes of books in the garage. These are my classroom books in boxes by accellerated reader levels, themes, topics etc.
I have three book shelves in my back room filled with teacher books. Jeff says it is a sickness.
I could be dropped off in the middle of Barnes and Nobel and not found for days and I would be in Heaven.
I was hoping to be offered a job by the time we leave for Ohio tomorrow so that I would have an excuse to go to my favorite teacher store. Bummed now need to think of a way to get in there.
I have also come to the amazing conclusion that books need to be stacked on shelves horizontally not vertically. My neck and millions of others necks have kinks in them from looking sideways at the titles. Stack them from floor to ceiling and this would help so much.
Also just so you know I have read all the books in the garage, some like a hundred times, The Foot Book.
Well, Jeff told me today that for a reward he got to choose a gift. He chose a NOOK. Now I excited and aprehensive at the same time. I love to touch my books. I love to turn over the corner and mark my spot. I know there is a commercial out there like that but I really do love to feel my books. So not so sure what this new gift will be like.
I know that it will be lighter than the ten books I am taking on the plane, but come on I count that as my weight lifting. I also like to mark in my books. I know so tabot for a teacher to admit that. But I have highlighted, post its and just plain ripped paper to mark my books. They are my babies. I can't imagine not having them.
I can read some books and send them on their way to others. This has to be a good first move on my part right? But the true good books, they are on my shelves and here for reading and rereading.
So I may need a twelve step program but I would rather have retail therapy and go to the bookstore.
See you there.
Blog Number 100
So I know it has been awhile. Well, let's see, I have finished a year of teaching, got a new crown on a tooth that broke, went to the dr. ( was dreading this) blood test came out fine. And have spent the last few weeks interviewing for a new job.
I am getting to be awesome at interviewing. It helps that my husband is an HR manager and has coached me, helped me with my resume and my stategies. He has even told me how certain interviews were going to go and low and be hold he was spot on. He is an amazing husband and father and coach. I have learned so much in this process after the last two years.
I am interviewing the schools just as much as they are interviewing me. I know what I am looking for and have made up my mind that they will be lucky to get me. How is that for self confidence and an attitude.
I also had my wonderful Robyn dye my hair back to its beautiful brown color. I needed to change something and it was the easiest and actually the cheapest. New carpet, new chairs, painting the walls, yeah, too much at the moment. So the hair won. I love it. I had comments all day about how young I looked. Wow who knew. Anyway it did get a bit more expensive as I went and got it cut today as well. I still had this heavy feeling and I knew it was time. I have not had it cut in over a year. The girl was great and said that it was super healthy for having been that long. Yeah, I know she just wanted a tip.
I was going to make my 100th blog this big deal and thought about all the things that were important enough to go on my hundredth blog and then there it was. Nothing!!!!
I am a teacher I teach about reading 100 books, learning our numbers to 100 , we celebrate 100 day and I just could not come up with anything. So as I looked at the ceiling for 4 hours last night going over in my head what interview questions the team would have how the other interviews have gone, it came to me. Just write something stupid and move on. So here it is something stupid and moving on.
I am getting to be awesome at interviewing. It helps that my husband is an HR manager and has coached me, helped me with my resume and my stategies. He has even told me how certain interviews were going to go and low and be hold he was spot on. He is an amazing husband and father and coach. I have learned so much in this process after the last two years.
I am interviewing the schools just as much as they are interviewing me. I know what I am looking for and have made up my mind that they will be lucky to get me. How is that for self confidence and an attitude.
I also had my wonderful Robyn dye my hair back to its beautiful brown color. I needed to change something and it was the easiest and actually the cheapest. New carpet, new chairs, painting the walls, yeah, too much at the moment. So the hair won. I love it. I had comments all day about how young I looked. Wow who knew. Anyway it did get a bit more expensive as I went and got it cut today as well. I still had this heavy feeling and I knew it was time. I have not had it cut in over a year. The girl was great and said that it was super healthy for having been that long. Yeah, I know she just wanted a tip.
I was going to make my 100th blog this big deal and thought about all the things that were important enough to go on my hundredth blog and then there it was. Nothing!!!!
I am a teacher I teach about reading 100 books, learning our numbers to 100 , we celebrate 100 day and I just could not come up with anything. So as I looked at the ceiling for 4 hours last night going over in my head what interview questions the team would have how the other interviews have gone, it came to me. Just write something stupid and move on. So here it is something stupid and moving on.
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