Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, June 27, 2011


Hot !!!
That is all there is to be said of this weather lately. Hot. It is in the upper 90's to the low 100's and it is hot.
One can shower but in a matter of walking to the mailbox, one is soaking wet again it really is quite useless.
The water at the pool is nice and warm. Yes, I said warm. The pool feels like bathwater. We went yesterday and I tried this new spray sun screen on Jeff and missed an entire patch on his left arm. Nice red sunburn on that arm now. Sorry Honey.
The need to get things done, is there but the ability in the heat is limited. I really need to organize the garage, but the only way I can even do any work is to bring the items in the house to organize them and then take them back outside.
I feel the need to wear as little clothing as possible and have the shades drawn so no whale spottings are reported.
I wonder why all these women that I see when I do go out look so put together and make up is perfect. I gave up the makeup at 70 degrees. Who wants to see makeup dripping off a face at the speed of light.
I have figured out that the women around here are not out in their yards much and that the men that do the yard work wear major head gear and sweat almost as much as I do.
The bugs have started to come out at dusk now so we are avoiding the deck at that time due to the 30 bites Robyn got the other night.
I do not want anyone to think that I am whining, yes, I have lived for 6 years in snow snow and more snow. My parents have only seen the sun for a week now and my sister says rain is all that they have gotten so I am not complaining. I am only observing and hoping to share some of the heat with others. Let's say I take the 70 degrees and sun and the extra 30 degrees can be shared with others.
There is hot and then there is too hot. When a day at the pool involves blisters on the feet to get to the pool it is tooo HOT.......

1 comment:

  1. thought for sure your blog would be about the Hot Sauce from Taco Treat that took a year to go from Missoula to Hattiesburg - Adjusting to the weather is an everyday task. Montana goes from 50 to 90 to 60 to maybe 80. Hot, cold, rain, sun, whatever the weather enjoy. In December you will be outside and we will be cuddling indoors.
    Happy 4th of July.
