Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Saturday, June 25, 2011


So we went golfing today. It was strange to be back on a golf course after so many years. I now live on a golf course, but I used to "live on a golf course". In high school I was the only girl on the golf team until my senior year when my sister was a freshman and she also played.
My parents loved golf. My father was very good and I remember many days spent at the golf course watching him play. My mother was also very good and I remember her trophies that she won in league play.
At nine I learned to golf and from then on I loved the game.
I enjoyed the smell of the freshly cut grass, the time to be outside and the time to think about things other than homework.
I enjoyed playing with the boys, they played quickly and they did not argue, or worry about what they were wearing in order to play.
When I was a junior I got twelfth in the state of Montana in the girls state tournament. My only real great golfing accomplishment. My grandfather and my parents cut out all the newspaper clippings of how I did each tournament, and came to all of the ones that they could. It was wonderful to feel so loved and really I never did play very well. I never really cared if I won. Not that I wanted to lose, I just did not have to win to have a good day.
I got my clubs out last night and cleaned them off. The zipper on my bag had melted together and would not unzip with out wd 40, this will tell you how long it had been since I played. I looked at all the clubs, still very useful and went to bed.
This morning we woke up early, got dressed and hit the club house, like a block down the road. Yes we got to play our own course that we live on.
My main goal today was to see the course and get to know where my house is in relationship to the course. It was hot at 7 am. Like 85 and humid. I took 5 practice swings at the driving range and said okay that is it, too hot to practice.
Well, here is the result:
We started on 18 and I did fine. I had some good shots, I had some bad shots, I had a few great chips, I had some bad chips, I had some good putts and I had some bad putts.
I was drenched in sweat by the third hole. The men were still looking pretty good sweat wise but I was a mess. If there was water in front of my I went into it. GLUB GLUB GLUB!!!!
My club grips were sticky and my five wood grip came off. I think my clubs may have seen their last course.
My wonderful husband did great and had the longest putt of the day easilly over 25 feet.
The son and his father we played with were wonderful and they had big bertha drivers that we loved to hear them hit.
Robyn came out and gave us all water and ice in cups on the 11 that is where we live and mocha barked at me to say hello.
Our team ended at 2 under and I was thrilled. The winners tied at 10 under, show offs.
The experience was wonderful and fun, but strange in that the mill people got their prizes and left, did not really socialize much and I think some were upset that us once a year golfers took home a prize.
The seriousness that some take in the game is still something that I do not like. I loved our group cause they cheered for all of us. It took all of us to get the 2 under. WE all had good and bad shots.
That was what was fun.
I truly do not need to be the best at anything in order to enjoy it. Strange I think. Others have to be the best all of the time, I don't, I can be ordinary and that is fine. I do not need to impress anyone, and I can still hit a really good 3 iron. Now the woods, yeah, that sucks.
Between Jeff and I we contributed at least 10 balls into the water and woods, no problem they came from the supply of balls that we find in our yard everyday. So we are down to about a 100 now.
All in all a fun, enjoyable day. Now I need a bath, some bengay and a nice cozy book.

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