Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I have been waiting to hear back on a job for about three weeks now. I am not very good at this waiting game. I waited about two months last summer and did not hear until the end of August and did not start until the end of September.
I even dream I hear the phone ringing. This has got to stop. I love to teach and I like to work but I am so tired of waiting.
I decided today to go through all the boxes of books in the garage and reorganize them. I know boring.....
No really they were in boxes labelled by AR reading levels and then when we moved the movers put everything in to fill the boxes that were not full and moved the books around. That is why they are packers and not teachers.
So I decided to use my time to organize my books and write down all the titles so that I 1. know what books I have and 2. I know if I have multiple copies and 3. I will know what levels I am overflowing in books and which ones I am low in. Was a great idea until I am on box 10 and the floor is covered in books. There are still about 8 boxes in the garage left to go through. I know as in the last post I have an addiction.

Did you know that some of the best books are really at a level that you would not think. Like Cat in the Hat is a 2nd grade level book. Parents are always trying to get their kids to read that book first.
Did you know that the levels of the books are on the back of the books cover or you can go to a website on line and level them yourself.
Did you even care about any of this? Probably not. I know boring just like waiting.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had a great time. The game is still great even if you only place once in a while. Way to go Jeff!
