Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, July 1, 2011

mom and dad

Dear Mom and Dad,
I have come to the conclusion that my blog is really just a letter to you two. I suspect no one else reads my blog and that no one else really cares what I write. Robyn will ask me crazy questions and then want an answer like which daughter do you love the most and I reply you of course, and she always says " YOU have to say that cause you are my mother".
That is how I am feeling about my writing, you always comment and make my day, but then you have to cause you are my parents.
It is hot here and I have little motivation. I did mow the lawn and the neighbor Gladys saw me and scolded me for being out when it was too hot.
I love to mow the lawn and have learned that I can only go 7 days for most of the lawn. There are sections that I do not do each week, for they are not growing as well, but for the majority if I even wait that 8th day, the lawn mower chuggs a bit more as do I.
I think while I mow and wonder if dad would like I how I cut off a chunk, change the direction that I mow weekly, read this in a gardening magazine, helps the grass, and if he would like how I mow and leave the trimming to Jeff. This is due to the fact that the weed eater scares me and Jeff says I am an osha accident waiting to happen most times.
Mom, for you I hand cut, hand sewed and finished a messanger bag for Robyn last night. I was too lazy to look for the sewing machine. Still in a box, and I wanted something to do with my hands watching tv other than stuff popcorn in my mouth. It is cute. I will have Robyn upload a photo. Not bad for hand stitching.
As for popcorn, Dad and Mom, Robyn now puts paper towels under her popcorn cause Grandpa told her too. Works for me. Also there is a new scrabble app on her phone that I am addicted too. I can't wait for the person (out is space ) that she is playing with the play so I can help her. We want you to play with us. Look into if you can add this app. She say to me" Wow mom you are really good at this, I bet the other people are using dictionaries right by them and you can just do it out of your head". Nice compliment.
Love you my two blog readers...


  1. No We don't have to comment just because we are your parents !!!!! Dad still beats me at Scrabble His word "power" is greater than mine. I hope you continue to blog even if you are just doing letters we love to get them. Robyn will be getting an old fashioned letter from Gpa in the mail. Have a safe 4th of July. Smile once for us.

  2. Just read the blog and my comments, He said the reason he wins at scrabble is he puts in words that maybe aren't correct but I never look them up. lol
