Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, July 15, 2011

Some Days

Ever have those days when you wonder why you even attempted to get out of bed? Well, seems like this week has been 7 of those days.
Our family has lost two great uncles, one amazing uncle and a friend's father in about 7 days. This is way more than a person expects let alone can handle.
The losses have put us all in very strange moods. Some of us want to be left alone, some of us feel the need to talk to old friends, some of us feel the need to exercise more and eat right. Well, try on both accounts anyway.
So I am the one that wanted to get healthy. Went to the gym, did great and came home to find that when I showered an hour later, had to do laundry etc. My ankle that I hurt in January was now black and blue again and in pain. Man, derailed after one day.
Also in this bathtub experience of looking at my legs I found that my other shin was completely black and blue up and down the entire thing. This I attribute to the moving of beds for the eldest daughter and her husbands arrival next week. I know why did we not wait for help. Cause, as any woman knows that does not help when we wait and then the husbands, say why are we doing this etc. So just easier to be black and blue for a while.
Job hunting is not going well, I take that back, I have learned a great deal about what I want in a job and I am just not finding it at the moment. I am good at interviewing and got offered the job, that once I saw the reality and not the paper form of the job, I knew someone else was better suited for this particular job. Not into babysitting unless it is for my own family. One day I will be busy grandparenting and then when my daily trips to target come arounds they better watch out.
Actually trying not to leave the house cause that ends up in stuff making its way into the house and not by necessity.
So my thoughts are do not take today or any day for granted, if it is a stay in bed day then make it a great one and watch the price is right, the food network and enjoy it with  y our favorite dog to keep you warm.
Unless in Mississippi take to a pool and chill out. Love to all

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