Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Leap of Faith

So now for the news we have all been waiting for.......
I got a job. Yes, I am taking a major leap of faith and going to try my hand at teaching, Ready, Wait for this.....
Sixth Grade Reading
Okay, now I do not want to hear what boogers these kids can be, or how rude they are, or any of that, cause I am already having nightmares about all that stuff.
I am excited. I really do not know what it will be like but it will be better than sitting at home and filling my face with whatever and watching the garbage that is on television during the day.
I have come to realize that my mind needs to be focused and working. I love teaching and when I went to this interview the original job was to teach grammar.
This scared me to no end. Yes, I could do that job but would it be boring, would I be boring etc.
So the principal and vice principal both said: Your love is Reading !!! Yes, it is and I love teaching reading,
so I thought about this comment a great deal.
When I got the job I went up to the school and got all the teaching materials, and drove home. About an hour later I get a call. Mrs. Comer would you be willing to teach Reading rather than Grammar??? What is this a dream? Yes, of course.
Seems that the other girl had really wanted to teach Grammar and just let them know. I think I love her.
So I start tomorrow and have cleaned out my school stuff to decide what I need to take and have really no idea where to start but that is okay cause I will get up, look good and just start. I may not look that good, I have to get up like at 5:30 omg, what was I thinking, maybe Oprah and Jerseylishius aren't that bad.

1 comment:

  1. great blogs. Today was a beautiful day we went for a ride and had moments of real sadness thinking of all the person's I loved and lost in the last 30 days - or just this year. Have a great day and year teaching. Remember kids are people too!!!!
