Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Nook

My wonderful husband was given a choice for an award for a million hours worked without an accident. I think, anyway the choices were a tool, no not at the Osha accident a day wife house, a tent for camping, no not at the house where the wife considers the Holiday Inn camping and if there is a bug there, we are going home, or a nook. So the smart man that he is took the nook.
Problem is the wife is not taking to this nook very easily.
I love holding magazines in my hand, folding over the corners of the pages I want to look at at another time. I love touching a book and seeing if it speaks to me. Should I buy you are there important details in here that I must learn. Are the pictures worth a thousand words. You know all that stuff us nerds find amazing at the bookstore.
So far Robyn has set up the nook for me and I have downloaded one book. It was a free on last friday and I am on chapter two and completely bored.
The one thing that is working for me on the nook is the games, I love the suduku game. I was showing Robyn how to play it two nights ago and she was thrilled. We beat our score twice. The nook times you to let you know if you are improving.
One thing it does not do is add time if you ask for a hint if you get stuck. This is a good thing, cause I was working with out the glasses and kept touching the wrong square to add the numbers. It also posts the numbers in red if you have a mistake. This is totally against best practices as a teacher, red is so not politically correct, but the function is good and it is easy to see your mistakes.
So I played three times this morning and my top easy score is nine minutes. Not telling how many hints I needed.
Robyn is at a Phi Mu Workshop and spent the night at the house. Hope she had a great time. The weather is cloudy and humid beyond anything we have seen lately and Jeff is outside working.
I am looking for areas to go shopping before a trip to a minor league game. Love that baseball.
Oh, still unemployed and feeling better about this. My neighbors have the southerner thing going on, no work and house keepers. Jealous, not at all, just realizing I am not unemployed in reality: 5 loads of clothes to do, vacuuming to do cause ran out of bags, bathrooms always need cleaning and Jeff was putting dirty glasses back in the cupboad this am. What are you doing honey, if it is dirty from the dish washer, put it in the sink not the cupboard, but I knew you would find it and fix it. Job security........

1 comment:

  1. this is funny, Jeff does the shopping but puts dirty glasses back in the cupboard. you guys need to take turn doing the dishes the old fashioned way. Can't stand suduko- rather do other puzzles. Have a good weekend.
