Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I am sure all of you have heard the news by now that Casey Anthony has been found innocent except for lying to the police. On the social networks everyone is a buzz about the injustice, the terrible jury, the unacceptability of the decision.
One, our country is founded on the fact that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Two, did we not learn anything from the O.J. Simpson trial and bomb shell this week that he finally confessed.
Television would not be television without all this sensationalism and the outcry.
Let's try this:
Let's remember the little girl that is at the center of this trial. The two year old that is with God now.
Rather than scream and shout and feel like we have lost something, why not go out and help a child in need?
This summer there have been more devastating tornadoes, floods and fires than in many years past.
There have been people in our country cleaning up for weeks, living in shelters, trying to get by on what they have saved from the devastation and not one of them has been on television whining or crying.
They like most Americans have picked themselves up by the boot straps and have carried on. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Let us all go out and do something positive and productive with our feelings. Don't sit at home and use your computer to express your outrage, go to the store and buy some need child some new school clothes, donate some books to re shelve a damaged library. Show your children how to be kind this summer, take them to a food bank with boxes of canned goods. Help habitat for humanity build a new house, something , anything other than sit here and do nothing.
There are so many children this summer that are not being fed in our own backyards. When school is out that means these children are not eating regularly. We need to take back our country and help ourselves.
We lost a precious granddaughter and maybe that is where this is coming from, I do not know but we must not give the negative time, focus on the positive, find a way to make things better, do not just text, and type about the shame of it all, go out and make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. "Accentuate the Positive - Eliminate the Negative" Make each day a special one.
    Go after your dreams.

    Your loyal followers!
