Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, August 1, 2011

Technology Training

So today, my first day on my new job and the afternoon was devoted to technology training. This is a sore spot for me in that Jeff has told me for years to get some training. Well, I haven't and I really am stuck in my old ways and it is completely frustrating to me.
I really do not want to down load a video from You Tube to show to my class. At least that is what I say today.
I am learning lots and trying not to fight the urge to just get out my pencil and paper and jot down notes.
The teacher is wonderful and has given everyone cheat sheets to refer to cause she can tell we are all like deer in the headlights.
I am sure even the three girls right out of college could be heard, saying, really my brain is so full.
I get to go back tomorrow and learn again. That is what counts and by this time next week, I will be having nightmares about over sleeping on the first day of school. Happy Monday everyone.

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