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The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, August 29, 2011


I am teaching reading. I love to read and I am trying to get that across to my students. Here in lies the deep question. Why do I feel like I am talking all day? I need to get these kids to read, but in order to meet all the standards, I am having to show them all the stategies, methods, and ways to read. I am considering having one day a week for just reading. I know this sounds like a cop out of teaching for the day, but bear with me for a minute.
If Brett Farve was to just run plays, do drills and learn his teams calls, would he be as good of a player if he never got to actually play the game? We all need to practice the skills daily and I am thinking that if I could watch how some of the children read, maybe this would give me more insight into what the stumbling blocks are for the children. Weigh in on this big questions please.

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