Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Sunday, August 7, 2011


We went and bought a new table yesterday. I know not a big deal for most people. For us, yes, it takes us years to make decisions on large items. This was a decision made in about 15 minutes.
There is an outlet store in Slidell, LA that we went to due to a nice 20% discount in addition to the already 50% off. In other words, our kind of place.
So we got up early, drove the 60 miles and went in looking for a king size bed frame and a couch. Came home with a chair and a table and 4 chairs.
I am as shocked at you all are.
We had decided that the formal dining area really had no need in our home of three. We were going to use it for a sitting area, to bask in the morning sun and read and relax.
Reality finally hit at the store. We will never have a sitting room. We are a family that likes the TV whether we are watching it or not. It offers comfort if I am the only one home and it is just background noise. Jeff loves to watch sports and history etc.
Robyn is loving the back to the 90's shows on Nick at the moment. We do all sit, it is just in front of the tv.
So as we walked around this huge warehouse, Jeff finally realized that what we needed was another table in the kitchen and we needed to move Grandma's table to the dining room. We also found a lonely hidden gem in the corner, a brown leather chair that lost its ottoman. No problem as about three years ago, Jeff bought three ottomans for 20 dollars each as they had lots their chairs. Have to say they have been a great purchase, dog bed, extra seating etc.
So we drove home, only to eat and have Jeff and our friend Scott drive back to get the items. They returned and I thanked the Lord for our French Doors in this new house and we grilled and ate at the new table.
The old table now has its rightful place of honor. The Official Dining Room. This is my grandmother's grandmother's table. It came to us by way of a long forgotten mini van, has seen many a double sol match, artistic endeavors by myself and my children. It has 7 leaves that are a variety of colors due to use or lack there of, it is loved and loved again.
I love this table, it is special to me and my family. Jeff has learned how to put it back together after each move, not quite as well as mom does though, speaking of which next visit will need some adjustments mom.
This table means "home". I hope that the new triangular table finds the same feelings as the tried and true one, but if it does not, that is okay cause we got it for 70% off and that means we are all super cheap and happy.
Off to my table to do work for my class and start the week of with a plan.
Sit at a table today and think, boy am I grateful to have one, but more than that boy am I grateful for what is on my table daily, food, art, papers, love.
Happy Week to All

1 comment:

  1. This is funny you two buying something without spending 2 years thinking about it. Good decision. The other table served many a great holiday dinner and with a special top served at a fabric cutting counter plus card games, etc. Great memories. Have a smiley week.
