Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Friends

It seems funny that at age 46 I am making new friends. This move has been very difficult. I believe mainly due to the fact that I no longer have school age children to help me make friends. I know, silly miss use of my children. It is difficult to work and have a career and come home to keep house and have time to make friends.
It has been the case that most of my friends have been from work. The last year, this was not the case. I felt left out, different and very shy for the first time in my life. I did not really want to make friends, and I do not know why. I needed to be able to come home and figure out what I was doing in Mississippi.
A girl from Montana that really dislikes all the strange veggies they eat down here, does not eat to the bone on her chicken and would really like it if there was a Mountain with in a few miles was having a very difficult time being a friend as well as finding a friend.
I made friends with my neighbor, she is sweet loving and just turned 75. I made friends with a girl that is still a young girl at 30 and not married and no kids, but something was missing.
I needed someone to talk to about my girls, to understand what it is to be married going on 26 years and to know that when I have to go to the bathroom, move out of my way.
I needed someone to laugh with, cry, and to just scream with to relieve all this pent up emotion of finding a house, new jobs, new life and the nasty veggies that they have down here. Really, why eat the greens if you have the good part, the carrot at the end. Really!!!!!!!

I found some. Really I have found three. They are real, normal women. They laugh, sing, dance and talk about the stupid shows that the husbands make us watch. Hillbilly Fishing, give me a break.
They are wonderful. I am blessed and they will never know how much they have made me feel apart of my new school.
Thank you so much........R       K  The singing and dancing twins and C you make me laugh and that is so welcome.

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