Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am addicted!!!!! I need a 12 step program and I need it now.
I have a problem. I love books and I love to read. I have finished in the last 3 weeks four books. I had two going at once. Now that is an accomplishment for me.
I read: High Heels and Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond
Crunch Time by Diane Mott Davidson
Cupcake mystery
The first six weeks of school.
Numerous magazines and looking forward to three new books on the horizon.
I have twenty five boxes of books in the garage. These are my classroom books in boxes by accellerated reader levels, themes, topics etc.
I have three book shelves in my back room filled with teacher books. Jeff says it is a sickness.
I could be dropped off in the middle of Barnes and Nobel and not found for days and I would be in Heaven.
I was hoping to be offered a job by the time we leave for Ohio tomorrow so that I would have an excuse to go to my favorite teacher store. Bummed now need to think of a way to get in there.
I have also come to the amazing conclusion that books need to be stacked on shelves horizontally not vertically. My neck and millions of others necks have kinks in them from looking sideways at the titles. Stack them from floor to ceiling and this would help so much.
Also just so you know I have read all the books in the garage, some like a hundred times, The Foot Book.
Well, Jeff told me today that for a reward he got to choose a gift. He chose a NOOK. Now I excited and aprehensive at the same time. I love to touch my books. I love to turn over the corner and mark my spot. I know there is a commercial out there like that but I really do love to feel my books. So not so sure what this new gift will be like.
I know that it will be lighter than the ten books I am taking on the plane, but come on I count that as my weight lifting. I also like to mark in my books. I know so tabot for a teacher to admit that. But I have highlighted, post its and just plain ripped paper to mark my books. They are my babies. I can't imagine not having them.
I can read some books and send them on their way to others. This has to be a good first move on my part right? But the true good books, they are on my shelves and here for reading and rereading.
So I may need a twelve step program but I would rather have retail therapy and go to the bookstore.
See you there.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should write books and then let the publisher put them in paper or electronic media. You do know that the best book is the dictionary because it is made up of 26 letters in as many ways you can imagine. Keep writing and reading.
