So now for the news we have all been waiting for.......
I got a job. Yes, I am taking a major leap of faith and going to try my hand at teaching, Ready, Wait for this.....
Sixth Grade Reading
Okay, now I do not want to hear what boogers these kids can be, or how rude they are, or any of that, cause I am already having nightmares about all that stuff.
I am excited. I really do not know what it will be like but it will be better than sitting at home and filling my face with whatever and watching the garbage that is on television during the day.
I have come to realize that my mind needs to be focused and working. I love teaching and when I went to this interview the original job was to teach grammar.
This scared me to no end. Yes, I could do that job but would it be boring, would I be boring etc.
So the principal and vice principal both said: Your love is Reading !!! Yes, it is and I love teaching reading,
so I thought about this comment a great deal.
When I got the job I went up to the school and got all the teaching materials, and drove home. About an hour later I get a call. Mrs. Comer would you be willing to teach Reading rather than Grammar??? What is this a dream? Yes, of course.
Seems that the other girl had really wanted to teach Grammar and just let them know. I think I love her.
So I start tomorrow and have cleaned out my school stuff to decide what I need to take and have really no idea where to start but that is okay cause I will get up, look good and just start. I may not look that good, I have to get up like at 5:30 omg, what was I thinking, maybe Oprah and Jerseylishius aren't that bad.
Welcome to my Life!
The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey
Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The dark days
I have relied a great deal on God this past few weeks. We had deaths in the family that were expected, two great uncles, unexpected my Uncle Jim, tragic my mom's friends sister, and then just deaths of friends parents, family members and unexpected bad news. I got to the point where I did not want to answer the phone or read my facebook.
During such times, it is almost like a shock to ones system the grieving process. I remember it vividly with the death of our granddaughter. During this time I talked to God late at night, early in the morning and just about constantly quietly in my head. I do not remember things that I said, where I put items or even phone calls from friends. This I think is our coping mechanism. We have to deal with the present and that is all our brain can handle at the point that grief is taking over.
Anyways, I went to this point again this past few weeks. We were lucky to have Ally and Brody come for a visit and during this time I reverted back to the need to know where everyone was all of the time. This happened when Jaidyn died. We were calling each other all the time. I was calling my mom and checking on her, leaving messages for Jeff and then when the kids came, I was able to just be. It was so nice to have all my chicks here in the hen house. I did not need to call them for they were here. They were laughing and carrying on like twenty year olds do. I was happy, they were happy and the world seemed alright again.
My angels in heaven are watching over all of us and it is good to know this. They guide me and help me in times of trouble but more than that they understand all the fear, grief, and sadness.
All of them are missed daily and I look to them for guidance.
During such times, it is almost like a shock to ones system the grieving process. I remember it vividly with the death of our granddaughter. During this time I talked to God late at night, early in the morning and just about constantly quietly in my head. I do not remember things that I said, where I put items or even phone calls from friends. This I think is our coping mechanism. We have to deal with the present and that is all our brain can handle at the point that grief is taking over.
Anyways, I went to this point again this past few weeks. We were lucky to have Ally and Brody come for a visit and during this time I reverted back to the need to know where everyone was all of the time. This happened when Jaidyn died. We were calling each other all the time. I was calling my mom and checking on her, leaving messages for Jeff and then when the kids came, I was able to just be. It was so nice to have all my chicks here in the hen house. I did not need to call them for they were here. They were laughing and carrying on like twenty year olds do. I was happy, they were happy and the world seemed alright again.
My angels in heaven are watching over all of us and it is good to know this. They guide me and help me in times of trouble but more than that they understand all the fear, grief, and sadness.
All of them are missed daily and I look to them for guidance.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
New Nook
My wonderful husband was given a choice for an award for a million hours worked without an accident. I think, anyway the choices were a tool, no not at the Osha accident a day wife house, a tent for camping, no not at the house where the wife considers the Holiday Inn camping and if there is a bug there, we are going home, or a nook. So the smart man that he is took the nook.
Problem is the wife is not taking to this nook very easily.
I love holding magazines in my hand, folding over the corners of the pages I want to look at at another time. I love touching a book and seeing if it speaks to me. Should I buy you are there important details in here that I must learn. Are the pictures worth a thousand words. You know all that stuff us nerds find amazing at the bookstore.
So far Robyn has set up the nook for me and I have downloaded one book. It was a free on last friday and I am on chapter two and completely bored.
The one thing that is working for me on the nook is the games, I love the suduku game. I was showing Robyn how to play it two nights ago and she was thrilled. We beat our score twice. The nook times you to let you know if you are improving.
One thing it does not do is add time if you ask for a hint if you get stuck. This is a good thing, cause I was working with out the glasses and kept touching the wrong square to add the numbers. It also posts the numbers in red if you have a mistake. This is totally against best practices as a teacher, red is so not politically correct, but the function is good and it is easy to see your mistakes.
So I played three times this morning and my top easy score is nine minutes. Not telling how many hints I needed.
Robyn is at a Phi Mu Workshop and spent the night at the house. Hope she had a great time. The weather is cloudy and humid beyond anything we have seen lately and Jeff is outside working.
I am looking for areas to go shopping before a trip to a minor league game. Love that baseball.
Oh, still unemployed and feeling better about this. My neighbors have the southerner thing going on, no work and house keepers. Jealous, not at all, just realizing I am not unemployed in reality: 5 loads of clothes to do, vacuuming to do cause ran out of bags, bathrooms always need cleaning and Jeff was putting dirty glasses back in the cupboad this am. What are you doing honey, if it is dirty from the dish washer, put it in the sink not the cupboard, but I knew you would find it and fix it. Job security........
Problem is the wife is not taking to this nook very easily.
I love holding magazines in my hand, folding over the corners of the pages I want to look at at another time. I love touching a book and seeing if it speaks to me. Should I buy you are there important details in here that I must learn. Are the pictures worth a thousand words. You know all that stuff us nerds find amazing at the bookstore.
So far Robyn has set up the nook for me and I have downloaded one book. It was a free on last friday and I am on chapter two and completely bored.
The one thing that is working for me on the nook is the games, I love the suduku game. I was showing Robyn how to play it two nights ago and she was thrilled. We beat our score twice. The nook times you to let you know if you are improving.
One thing it does not do is add time if you ask for a hint if you get stuck. This is a good thing, cause I was working with out the glasses and kept touching the wrong square to add the numbers. It also posts the numbers in red if you have a mistake. This is totally against best practices as a teacher, red is so not politically correct, but the function is good and it is easy to see your mistakes.
So I played three times this morning and my top easy score is nine minutes. Not telling how many hints I needed.
Robyn is at a Phi Mu Workshop and spent the night at the house. Hope she had a great time. The weather is cloudy and humid beyond anything we have seen lately and Jeff is outside working.
I am looking for areas to go shopping before a trip to a minor league game. Love that baseball.
Oh, still unemployed and feeling better about this. My neighbors have the southerner thing going on, no work and house keepers. Jealous, not at all, just realizing I am not unemployed in reality: 5 loads of clothes to do, vacuuming to do cause ran out of bags, bathrooms always need cleaning and Jeff was putting dirty glasses back in the cupboad this am. What are you doing honey, if it is dirty from the dish washer, put it in the sink not the cupboard, but I knew you would find it and fix it. Job security........
Friday, July 15, 2011
Some Days
Ever have those days when you wonder why you even attempted to get out of bed? Well, seems like this week has been 7 of those days.
Our family has lost two great uncles, one amazing uncle and a friend's father in about 7 days. This is way more than a person expects let alone can handle.
The losses have put us all in very strange moods. Some of us want to be left alone, some of us feel the need to talk to old friends, some of us feel the need to exercise more and eat right. Well, try on both accounts anyway.
So I am the one that wanted to get healthy. Went to the gym, did great and came home to find that when I showered an hour later, had to do laundry etc. My ankle that I hurt in January was now black and blue again and in pain. Man, derailed after one day.
Also in this bathtub experience of looking at my legs I found that my other shin was completely black and blue up and down the entire thing. This I attribute to the moving of beds for the eldest daughter and her husbands arrival next week. I know why did we not wait for help. Cause, as any woman knows that does not help when we wait and then the husbands, say why are we doing this etc. So just easier to be black and blue for a while.
Job hunting is not going well, I take that back, I have learned a great deal about what I want in a job and I am just not finding it at the moment. I am good at interviewing and got offered the job, that once I saw the reality and not the paper form of the job, I knew someone else was better suited for this particular job. Not into babysitting unless it is for my own family. One day I will be busy grandparenting and then when my daily trips to target come arounds they better watch out.
Actually trying not to leave the house cause that ends up in stuff making its way into the house and not by necessity.
So my thoughts are do not take today or any day for granted, if it is a stay in bed day then make it a great one and watch the price is right, the food network and enjoy it with y our favorite dog to keep you warm.
Unless in Mississippi take to a pool and chill out. Love to all
Our family has lost two great uncles, one amazing uncle and a friend's father in about 7 days. This is way more than a person expects let alone can handle.
The losses have put us all in very strange moods. Some of us want to be left alone, some of us feel the need to talk to old friends, some of us feel the need to exercise more and eat right. Well, try on both accounts anyway.
So I am the one that wanted to get healthy. Went to the gym, did great and came home to find that when I showered an hour later, had to do laundry etc. My ankle that I hurt in January was now black and blue again and in pain. Man, derailed after one day.
Also in this bathtub experience of looking at my legs I found that my other shin was completely black and blue up and down the entire thing. This I attribute to the moving of beds for the eldest daughter and her husbands arrival next week. I know why did we not wait for help. Cause, as any woman knows that does not help when we wait and then the husbands, say why are we doing this etc. So just easier to be black and blue for a while.
Job hunting is not going well, I take that back, I have learned a great deal about what I want in a job and I am just not finding it at the moment. I am good at interviewing and got offered the job, that once I saw the reality and not the paper form of the job, I knew someone else was better suited for this particular job. Not into babysitting unless it is for my own family. One day I will be busy grandparenting and then when my daily trips to target come arounds they better watch out.
Actually trying not to leave the house cause that ends up in stuff making its way into the house and not by necessity.
So my thoughts are do not take today or any day for granted, if it is a stay in bed day then make it a great one and watch the price is right, the food network and enjoy it with y our favorite dog to keep you warm.
Unless in Mississippi take to a pool and chill out. Love to all
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I am sure all of you have heard the news by now that Casey Anthony has been found innocent except for lying to the police. On the social networks everyone is a buzz about the injustice, the terrible jury, the unacceptability of the decision.
One, our country is founded on the fact that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Two, did we not learn anything from the O.J. Simpson trial and bomb shell this week that he finally confessed.
Television would not be television without all this sensationalism and the outcry.
Let's try this:
Let's remember the little girl that is at the center of this trial. The two year old that is with God now.
Rather than scream and shout and feel like we have lost something, why not go out and help a child in need?
This summer there have been more devastating tornadoes, floods and fires than in many years past.
There have been people in our country cleaning up for weeks, living in shelters, trying to get by on what they have saved from the devastation and not one of them has been on television whining or crying.
They like most Americans have picked themselves up by the boot straps and have carried on. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Let us all go out and do something positive and productive with our feelings. Don't sit at home and use your computer to express your outrage, go to the store and buy some need child some new school clothes, donate some books to re shelve a damaged library. Show your children how to be kind this summer, take them to a food bank with boxes of canned goods. Help habitat for humanity build a new house, something , anything other than sit here and do nothing.
There are so many children this summer that are not being fed in our own backyards. When school is out that means these children are not eating regularly. We need to take back our country and help ourselves.
We lost a precious granddaughter and maybe that is where this is coming from, I do not know but we must not give the negative time, focus on the positive, find a way to make things better, do not just text, and type about the shame of it all, go out and make a difference.
One, our country is founded on the fact that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Two, did we not learn anything from the O.J. Simpson trial and bomb shell this week that he finally confessed.
Television would not be television without all this sensationalism and the outcry.
Let's try this:
Let's remember the little girl that is at the center of this trial. The two year old that is with God now.
Rather than scream and shout and feel like we have lost something, why not go out and help a child in need?
This summer there have been more devastating tornadoes, floods and fires than in many years past.
There have been people in our country cleaning up for weeks, living in shelters, trying to get by on what they have saved from the devastation and not one of them has been on television whining or crying.
They like most Americans have picked themselves up by the boot straps and have carried on. Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Let us all go out and do something positive and productive with our feelings. Don't sit at home and use your computer to express your outrage, go to the store and buy some need child some new school clothes, donate some books to re shelve a damaged library. Show your children how to be kind this summer, take them to a food bank with boxes of canned goods. Help habitat for humanity build a new house, something , anything other than sit here and do nothing.
There are so many children this summer that are not being fed in our own backyards. When school is out that means these children are not eating regularly. We need to take back our country and help ourselves.
We lost a precious granddaughter and maybe that is where this is coming from, I do not know but we must not give the negative time, focus on the positive, find a way to make things better, do not just text, and type about the shame of it all, go out and make a difference.
Friday, July 1, 2011
mom and dad
Dear Mom and Dad,
I have come to the conclusion that my blog is really just a letter to you two. I suspect no one else reads my blog and that no one else really cares what I write. Robyn will ask me crazy questions and then want an answer like which daughter do you love the most and I reply you of course, and she always says " YOU have to say that cause you are my mother".
That is how I am feeling about my writing, you always comment and make my day, but then you have to cause you are my parents.
It is hot here and I have little motivation. I did mow the lawn and the neighbor Gladys saw me and scolded me for being out when it was too hot.
I love to mow the lawn and have learned that I can only go 7 days for most of the lawn. There are sections that I do not do each week, for they are not growing as well, but for the majority if I even wait that 8th day, the lawn mower chuggs a bit more as do I.
I think while I mow and wonder if dad would like I how I cut off a chunk, change the direction that I mow weekly, read this in a gardening magazine, helps the grass, and if he would like how I mow and leave the trimming to Jeff. This is due to the fact that the weed eater scares me and Jeff says I am an osha accident waiting to happen most times.
Mom, for you I hand cut, hand sewed and finished a messanger bag for Robyn last night. I was too lazy to look for the sewing machine. Still in a box, and I wanted something to do with my hands watching tv other than stuff popcorn in my mouth. It is cute. I will have Robyn upload a photo. Not bad for hand stitching.
As for popcorn, Dad and Mom, Robyn now puts paper towels under her popcorn cause Grandpa told her too. Works for me. Also there is a new scrabble app on her phone that I am addicted too. I can't wait for the person (out is space ) that she is playing with the play so I can help her. We want you to play with us. Look into if you can add this app. She say to me" Wow mom you are really good at this, I bet the other people are using dictionaries right by them and you can just do it out of your head". Nice compliment.
Love you my two blog readers...
I have come to the conclusion that my blog is really just a letter to you two. I suspect no one else reads my blog and that no one else really cares what I write. Robyn will ask me crazy questions and then want an answer like which daughter do you love the most and I reply you of course, and she always says " YOU have to say that cause you are my mother".
That is how I am feeling about my writing, you always comment and make my day, but then you have to cause you are my parents.
It is hot here and I have little motivation. I did mow the lawn and the neighbor Gladys saw me and scolded me for being out when it was too hot.
I love to mow the lawn and have learned that I can only go 7 days for most of the lawn. There are sections that I do not do each week, for they are not growing as well, but for the majority if I even wait that 8th day, the lawn mower chuggs a bit more as do I.
I think while I mow and wonder if dad would like I how I cut off a chunk, change the direction that I mow weekly, read this in a gardening magazine, helps the grass, and if he would like how I mow and leave the trimming to Jeff. This is due to the fact that the weed eater scares me and Jeff says I am an osha accident waiting to happen most times.
Mom, for you I hand cut, hand sewed and finished a messanger bag for Robyn last night. I was too lazy to look for the sewing machine. Still in a box, and I wanted something to do with my hands watching tv other than stuff popcorn in my mouth. It is cute. I will have Robyn upload a photo. Not bad for hand stitching.
As for popcorn, Dad and Mom, Robyn now puts paper towels under her popcorn cause Grandpa told her too. Works for me. Also there is a new scrabble app on her phone that I am addicted too. I can't wait for the person (out is space ) that she is playing with the play so I can help her. We want you to play with us. Look into if you can add this app. She say to me" Wow mom you are really good at this, I bet the other people are using dictionaries right by them and you can just do it out of your head". Nice compliment.
Love you my two blog readers...
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