Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Gifts

A new laptop and the birth of a blog. Today has been a great day.
I have been contemplating a blog for some time now. My family thinks that a blog is a way to vent in public. I think it is a way to journal in today's world. I am thrilled with this new laptop. I was so jealous of Jeff, Allison and Robyn and all the evenings comfy on the couch with their laptops and then there was me.... I am hoping that this will not only be my creative outlet but also a way to learn more about my new gift. I hope to be as creative and expressive as all the blogs that I have been reading. Here's to a new toy, a new lease on computers and the birth of a blog.

1 comment:

  1. some blogs are a way to vent. some are to document. some are to inspire. some are to reflect.
    it's all about what YOU want it to be. i started to connect with family. now i continue to document, remember, and to connect with other women who live the same lifestyle as i do. they inspire me to be better, to be myself, and to be positive.
    you will find many kinds of blogs out there. i find that i connect with the ones full of positive energy, inspiration, and reflection on our lives. birthing a blog is so fantastic! i'm excited to share this with you!
