Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Evolutions

This year I will not make any resolutions. I have decided on evolutions. How to become a better me... The cavemen did it so can I.
Evolution number one: Put myself first.
Evolution number two: Rocks, Paper, Scissors
Paper, live it, love it, and embrace it!
Live it in that I pass paper out, collect paper, and correct papers.
Love it, I love paper, the feel of it, any kind of paper. I make things out of paper, I adore the new smell of paper and could not live without my books that are filled with paper.
Embrace it, Learn that paper is a dying industry and it may require changes in location again at some point, help others to embrace recycling, and realize that a book made of paper is so much more fun to read than an electronically down loaded book. You need to feel the words on the paper.
Scissors, my crafts all require scissors. I hope to evolve into a person that does not cut herself with her scissors all the time. Focus on the project in hand not five minutes ahead all of the time.
Rocks, I love rocks almost as much as paper.I love the stability of them, the depth that they hold and the strength of rocks. I want to have stability, depth and strength this upcoming year.
Evolution number three: Water and Food
Water, Water, Water!
Food, only put in what makes my body better.
Evolution number four: Each day, do something for myself, my family and one innocent stranger.
Here's to my 2010 Evolution


  1. these are great Happy Twenty Ten

  2. Great Blog!! Keep it up! I love the evolution..although I have to say one of the main reasons I go to the movie is the 1000 calorie popcorn.. add some photos!
