Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So moving is so mind boggling at times.
I have moved as a married lady seven times. As a child I can't even count how many times we moved. We moved from state to state, house to house and town to town.
Moving can be very cleansing, literally and figuratively. I have cleaned my house so many times in the last few weeks, I can't even remember what needs to be cleaned. I have gutted closets, packed up items to declutter the house and even cleaned windows, screens and misc. items that I did not know we owned.
Getting rid of stuff that I really do not know why we still had, why I had in the first place and just what and why is this????

I always think that moving will be so easy, but I really have tried each and every move to like where we live. Each move has offered new places to explore, new friends to be made and new experiences that we never even thought of. I hate leaving my houses, ( we had a lady that would paint each of our houses for the last 5 moves. She is now too old to paint them so I am in need of my current home and our soon to be new home )Our house always becomes our home.
I hate being told to clear off the pictures hung on the fridge, What? This is our life? You mean I have to put it away.

I am probably the realtors worst nightmare when they suggest that I make sure the house is magazine ready and picked up. But I live here........I also work all day and come home exhausted most nights.
I am never caught up on laundry, job security, I very seldom have the dishes done by the next morning and I love to have my blanket on the couch at night.
So for the next few weeks, I will be frustrated in having to clean my home continuously and the worry that it still is not clean enough. I hope another wonderful wife, mother will come in and fall in love with this home like we did. It is an amazing house with amazing sunsets and has been a wonderful home for six years.

To our new home, I know you are out there waiting just for us. You will offer new adventures, new cupboards to fill, neighbors to meet and friends to make. I can't wait to find you and fill you with all of our love .

1 comment:

  1. you have such an amazing outlook. i think i would sink and fail if we ever left this town. i am not good at starting over. i'm settled. but i love your positive view and excitement--even if it is a defense mechanism *wink!*
    and i really have a hard time believing that your house isn't clean all.the.time!
