Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So does creativity just happen or do we organize our creative efforts? I have so enjoyed reading others blogs on crafty ambitions, but some of them seem to be so organized in their efforts, I wonder if they are just patterning their efforts after others.
Case in point. I tried to make these very adoreable washer necklaces yesterday. They required paper, glue, washers and modge podge. I did everything the sample said to and when they were dry they absolutely fell apart. I tried to figure out why, and then I wondered if I had not tried to copy would I have come up with my own creative necklace and it would have worked better.
Patterns are nice, but I never seem to be able to follow them. I am a visual person not a literal reader type. I look at the directions pictures to put something together, I do not read the directions. I have children in my class that do this as well. We are visual learners.
People will ask me how did you make that, and usually I say well I saw this picture in a book and made it. I rely on pictures to be creative. I do not copy them, as much as I visualize how I would change them to get a result I am happy with.
So my patterned creativity yesterday was in the trash can. I started over with a new project and was much more at peace and pleased with my end result. Trying to do something that someone else has done is very difficult. No matter what kind of creater you are today try to make something that says YOU! No pattern required.

1 comment:

  1. so where is the picture of your creativity? i want to see!
    i'm quite visual. but not nearly as creative as the rest of the crafty blog bunch. i'm more of a copier. and i'm okay with that. i'll cruise etsy for new inspirations, then copy the idea, throwing in some of my own personality. i'm definitely not the idea person...i'm the do-er. i'm not much for patterns, either. when i want to sew something up at home i usually draft my own pattern.
