Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Monday, January 11, 2010


I hate pain. I hate it so much probably becasue I inflict it regularly. Jeff calls me an osha recordable a day. Most of the time it is a burn, a cut and every so often I do up right and try to slice tendons, and have to get stitches. To help protect me, Jeff has learned to respond immediately if I ask him to cut some meat for dinner or I will try to start it and the end is pretty much predetermined.
I know that I try to do too much at one time, try to be too fast at something or my mind is wandering to things that I have to get done. In learning this, I am trying to be better this year. I hate pain and I do not want to inflict it on myself or any others.
We have experienced pain in the last two years that is not from a cut. We lost our granddaughter Jaidyn. She died at 24 days old and it was so horrible. The pain has been all encompassing. It has effected all of us. We view each day differently and we love differently. This pain lessons but does not disappear. Pain of the heart is there no matter what we do. No bandage or stitch will help this. But I have found that my God helps me on a daily basis to realize that there is a purpose to this pain. Jaidyn had a purpose, and that is all that I need to know that it is okay.
Robyn has pain today. Pain of the heart, but it will lesson. God is there for her unconditionally. He will help her to heal. He will be there in the dark, in the light and he will show her that it is okay to go on, do what she needs to do and that we all love her more than anything.
My neice Heather has a wonderful blog and she was upset today cause her daughter was starting a new school, it is no different the mother feelings no matter what the age.
We must feel the pain to know the times without pain. That is what makes those times so precious. God show yourself to Robyn today and in the days to come. If we all pray, we will make a big bandage for you my dear daughter. You are the best and you make us so proud each day.

P.S. Ask any girl they know this secret: men are such dummies.


  1. eeewwww! boys are so stinky. i do hope robyn heals quickly.
    this is such a beautiful post, angie. i tore at my heart. your jaidyn is in my heart always, as is your family.

    i sent a little blog award your way...come over to mi casa to get the details!

  2. Thanks so much Mom! It means alot to me that you are always there! I Love You!
