Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


What is the texture of your life? I have been very tactile most of my life. I love the feel of things. I have to use my senses to really grasp a concept. I choose clothes by how they feel rather than if they are the newest thing. I look at others and wonder how can they wear this or wear that. Wool is the worst. If you are wearing a wool sweater and I see you, I will start to itch. I can get the heebie jeebies by just seeing others in certain material.
I have recently learned that this texture issue I have is real syndrome. Holy Cow all this time I could have had help in school because I have texture issues. This is amazing to me. I hate the texture of yogurt or pudding, I can't handle certain cheeses and if you ask me to eat a sausage, forget it. Yuck.
Children are now being classified as texture sensitive and as a teacher I am to make accommidations to their day because of this. Oh, my I need to go to work coming up with these syndromes. I think we should take the texture of a wooden spoon to some of these oh so sensitive bottoms and see if the syndrome goes away. Okay, that is my vent for the day.
I would now like to go feel the texture of a hot sudsy bubble bath.
Here's to my new syndrome, I can't teach unless I have furry slippers on, a quiet room with soft music and all the food and soda I want.