Welcome to my Life!

The year of ME, Walking, Water and Whimsey

Jeff and I

Jeff and I
Twenty-Eight Years

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So I want to tell you about my friend Helen. I have known her for all of 5 months and yet I think we are soul sisters. The day I met her I felt a connection. She is a fellow teacher and she recently moved to our school. This lady is amazing. She is more orderly and organized than me, which is so nice for a change. I have someone to look up to. As a teacher she teaches to each child. She has individual lesson plans for each student, she knows what they need and when they need it. I am amazed on a daily basis how this woman is able to do everything that she does. The kids in her class absolutely love her. I sneak in on her class some days to sit back and listen. She allows this and is so open to my watching.
I recently discovered that many of the kids that I have had she has then gotten the next year. We were in different schools so we did not know each other. The fact that many of our tough children have gotten her and me as teachers is quite interesting. We teach a great deal alike. I like to watch how she puts her notebooks together, how she writes her lesson plans, I wonder if she thinks this is weird, but I am fascinated as to how she is able to pin point the exact needs of her children. She does not reveal much of herself to the crowd, but I watch her and she is always assessing the situation and learning. I admire Helen, I want to emulate Helen, but more than anything, I am grateful for Helen. She has become my rock this year. I was feeling like a ship with no port this year. Our school made wide spread changes, and the waters were very rough and choppy. Helen has been my life jacket. She watches over me and has never even asked why I am attracted to her classroom or why I need to come and sit and watch. It is as if I have known her for years. She accepts me, she nurtures me and she believes in me. I really am grateful that God has given me this angel. Helen, I really do love you and you are the most amazing friend. Thank you

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